miRNA‐132/212 gene disruption does not disturb basal synaptic transmission or paired‐pulse inhibition (PPI) in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. A, Representative raw traces of extracellular field potentials obtained from hippocampal slices from untreated control wild‐type mice and from slices from untreated miRNA‐132/212−/− in response to input/output (I/O) stimulation protocols (Section 2) with no apparent differences. B, Normalized field slope averaged values versus the increasing pulses of input stimulation voltages from untreated control wild‐type mice (n = 10) and from slices from untreated miRNA‐132/212−/− (n = 11) as generated from the application of I/O stimulation protocols (Section 2). No statistical differences between genotypes were detected. C, Comparative examinations of field potentials recorded during PPI protocols in adult dentate gyrus of slices obtained from untreated wild‐type (n = 10) and untreated miRNA‐132/212−/− (n = 11) mice. Data revealed no statistically significant differences between groups. D, Normalized and averaged PPI ratios (second pulse/first pulse) versus different interpulse intervals showing no differences between groups. Please see details for the statistics on the main text