Figure 2: Six-different objects test in WT and HR mice after chronic adolescent exposure to THC.
(A) 6-DOT with habituation, familiarization, and test trials. (B) DI is shown as mean ± 95% confidence intervals. (C) THC reduced the DI (mean ± SEM) across all groups (main treatment effect, P < 0.0001, LMM). (D) Male HR mice showed a reduced DI (mean ± SEM) compared to male WT mice (sex x genotype interaction, P = 0.02, LMM). (E) Exploration time (s) in test trial is expressed as mean ± SEM. (F) HR mice spent longer time (mean ± SEM) exploring the objects in the test trial (main genotype effect, P = 0.015, LMM). (G) Exploration time (mean ± SEM) in familiarization trial did not change across groups. FDR adjusted P < 0.05 for post-hoc pairwise t tests are reported.