Development of new susceptibility foci in the ipsilateral hemisphere following flow-diverting stent placement for a right posterior communicating artery aneurysm. Axial SWI (top row, A–C) obtained 7 days before deployment of a right supraclinoid ICA flow-diverting stent shows a single susceptibility focus laterally in the superior right parietal lobe (B). Axial SWI obtained 6 days following stent deployment (bottom row, D–F) shows small new susceptibility foci in the superior right frontal lobe (D, arrow), superior right parietal lobe (E, arrow) medial to the pre-existing focus, and in the right occipital pole (F, arrow). The patient had a moderate-sized posterior communicating artery arising from the aneurysm, approximately co-dominant in size with the right P1 segment.