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. 2021 Mar 11;12:607289. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.607289


The species model representing each growth from and each population of nominal species as a distinct species (in bold letter face) received decisive support over competing models.

Species Model Motivation Number of Species MLE BF Rank
All growth forms separate species, split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography Test population-level divergence. 12 −10712.77 2559.69 1
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Massive A pink and Panamanian I. campana Test if Massive A pink is a Panamanian I. campana phenotype 11 −10723.72 2537.80 2
All growth forms separate species, split I. campana by geography Test population-level divergence. 11 −10743.48 2498.29 3
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Massive B and Panamanian I. campana Test if Massive B is a Panamanian I. campana phenotype 11 −10743.96 2497.31 4
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Encrusting and Panamanian I. campana Test if Encrusting is a Panamanian I. campana phenotype 11 −10745.95 2493.33 5
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Encrusting, Massive A pink, and Panamanian I. campana Test if Encrusting and Massive A pink are Panamanian I. campana phenotypes 10 −10753.99 2477.27 6
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Massive A pink, Massive B, Encrusting, and Panamanian I. campana Test if Massive B, Encrusting, and Massive A pink are Panamanian I. campana phenotypes 9 −10779.35 2426.54 7
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Sp. 2 and Belizean I. strobilina Test if Sp. 2 is a Belizean I. strobilina phenotype 11 −10809.40 2366.44 8
All growth forms separate species, split I. strobilina by geography Test population-level divergence. 11 −10895.09 2195.06 9
All growth forms separate species, combine I. campana and I. stroblinia populations Full species model combining populations of nominal species. 10 −10924.28 2136.68 10
Combine massive A pink and Massive B Both massive; shared geography. 9 −10940.90 2103.44 11
Combine Massive B and Massive A green Shared habitat (STRI point); sympatry. 9 −10942.36 2100.53 12
Combine Massive A green and Encrusting Sympatry 9 −10990.90 2003.45 13
Combines Sp. 1 and Massive A pink Shared habitat type (mangrove) 9 −11064.83 1855.58 14
Combine Ramose and I. campana Sympatry 9 −11073.93 1837.39 15
Combine Sp. 2 and Encrusting Shared habitat type (coral patch reef) 9 −11224.58 1536.08 16
Combine Sp. 1 and Sp. 2 Sympatry 9 −11357.66 1269.93 17
Combine growth forms into one species Are the growth forms different phenotypes of the same species? 4 −11826.39 332.46 18
Combine growth forms with I. felix Are the growth forms different I. felix phenotypes? 3 −11992.62 19