The species model representing each growth from and each population of nominal species as a distinct species (in bold letter face) received decisive support over competing models.
Species Model | Motivation | Number of Species | MLE | BF | Rank |
All growth forms separate species, split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography | Test population-level divergence. | 12 | −10712.77 | 2559.69 | 1 |
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Massive A pink and Panamanian I. campana | Test if Massive A pink is a Panamanian I. campana phenotype | 11 | −10723.72 | 2537.80 | 2 |
All growth forms separate species, split I. campana by geography | Test population-level divergence. | 11 | −10743.48 | 2498.29 | 3 |
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Massive B and Panamanian I. campana | Test if Massive B is a Panamanian I. campana phenotype | 11 | −10743.96 | 2497.31 | 4 |
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Encrusting and Panamanian I. campana | Test if Encrusting is a Panamanian I. campana phenotype | 11 | −10745.95 | 2493.33 | 5 |
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Encrusting, Massive A pink, and Panamanian I. campana | Test if Encrusting and Massive A pink are Panamanian I. campana phenotypes | 10 | −10753.99 | 2477.27 | 6 |
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Massive A pink, Massive B, Encrusting, and Panamanian I. campana | Test if Massive B, Encrusting, and Massive A pink are Panamanian I. campana phenotypes | 9 | −10779.35 | 2426.54 | 7 |
Split I. campana and I. strobilina by geography, combine Sp. 2 and Belizean I. strobilina | Test if Sp. 2 is a Belizean I. strobilina phenotype | 11 | −10809.40 | 2366.44 | 8 |
All growth forms separate species, split I. strobilina by geography | Test population-level divergence. | 11 | −10895.09 | 2195.06 | 9 |
All growth forms separate species, combine I. campana and I. stroblinia populations | Full species model combining populations of nominal species. | 10 | −10924.28 | 2136.68 | 10 |
Combine massive A pink and Massive B | Both massive; shared geography. | 9 | −10940.90 | 2103.44 | 11 |
Combine Massive B and Massive A green | Shared habitat (STRI point); sympatry. | 9 | −10942.36 | 2100.53 | 12 |
Combine Massive A green and Encrusting | Sympatry | 9 | −10990.90 | 2003.45 | 13 |
Combines Sp. 1 and Massive A pink | Shared habitat type (mangrove) | 9 | −11064.83 | 1855.58 | 14 |
Combine Ramose and I. campana | Sympatry | 9 | −11073.93 | 1837.39 | 15 |
Combine Sp. 2 and Encrusting | Shared habitat type (coral patch reef) | 9 | −11224.58 | 1536.08 | 16 |
Combine Sp. 1 and Sp. 2 | Sympatry | 9 | −11357.66 | 1269.93 | 17 |
Combine growth forms into one species | Are the growth forms different phenotypes of the same species? | 4 | −11826.39 | 332.46 | 18 |
Combine growth forms with I. felix | Are the growth forms different I. felix phenotypes? | 3 | −11992.62 | − | 19 |