Table 1.
Nutrition survey |
1. How did you identify a person at risk? (body weight, MNA-SF, dietary records) |
2. Were body weight loss or risk of malnutrition frequent problems? |
3. What methods did you use to implement the SPRINTT dietary intervention? |
(a) Individual counseling |
(b) Group counseling |
(c) Teaching practical aspects |
(d) Using brochures, guidebooks, leaflets or other educational materials |
(e) Using dietary supplements or food recommendations |
(f) Order meals on wheels |
(g) Contact/instruct home nursing or day care centers |
(h) Follow-up phone calls |
4. Did you use any country-specific dietary recommendations in the nutrition intervention? |
5. How often did you usually meet the participant to resolve a nutritional problem? |
6. How was the motivation of the participants? |
7. How did you motivate them? |
8. Do you think that such dietary intervention is feasible in a frail population? |
9. How was the adherence of the participants? |
10. Was the dietary intervention successful in terms of dietary intake? |
11. What were the main reasons for non-adherence to the dietary intervention? |
12. What are the main lessons learnt from the SPRINTT dietary intervention? |
MNA-SF mini nutritional assessment short-form