Figure 2.
TgFNTs are not required for tachyzoite proliferation in vitro. (a) Data from a single representative experiment showing the growth of the different parasite lines (wild-type, blue; Δtgfnt1, white; Δtgfnt2, grey; Δtgfnt3, red; Δtgfnt1/2/3, dark red). Parasite growth was normalized to the maximum level reached for each parasite line after subtraction of the background fluorescence. The mean and SD from triplicate measurements shown. Where not shown, error bars fall within the symbols. For clarity, only positive or negative error bars are shown for the data for certain parasite lines. (b) The maximum growth rate for each parasite line. The bars show the mean ± SD obtained from three independent experiments for each line, and the symbols show the results obtained in individual experiments. There was no significant difference in the maximum growth rate between any of the parasite lines (P = 0.8; one-way ANOVA).