Figure 3: Northern Labrador Tea extracts exert in vitro anti-AML efficacy towards primary human AML samples.
Ficol-prepared WBCs from human AML patients were exposed to 1 mg/ml Northern Labrador Tea extracts. (A) Cellular viability was determined following 96-hour exposure in SFEM supplemented with 25 ng/ml each of GM-CSF, SCF, FLT3 ligand, and TPO. For each patient AML sample, all experimental treatments are *p≤0.05 compared to control, except as indicated by an arrowhead (not significantly different), n=6 replicates per patient sample. (B) Apoptosis (Annexin V+ CD45-gated blast population) (Patient 990, 996, 1000, and 1002) was determined by flow cytometry following 48-hour exposure in RPMI-1640 supplemented with 10% FBS. *p≤0.012 compared to control, or #p=0.058 compared to control, n=4 samples.