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Table 2.

Treatments received on study for KSHV-MCD alone or with concurrent KS, median duration of treatment, and 5-year PFS

Treatment Number of patients receiving protocol treatment Median duration of treatment leading to KSHV-MCD remission, mo 5-y PFS, % (95% CI) P
All patients treated MCD alone MCD with concurrent KS As first regimen on protocol (%)*
AZT/VGC 17 6 11 17 (100) 5 26 (8, 49)
Rituximab alone 8 6 2 5 (63) 1 71 (26, 92) .03
Rituximab and liposomal doxorubicin 36 7 29 22 (61) 5 73 (53, 86)
 No maintenance 16 1 15 13 (81) 2 62 (23, 85) .02
 AZT/VGC maintenance 10 5 5 7 (70) 11 (9 mo of AZT/VGC in maintenance phase) 87 (39, 98) .0009
 IFN-α maintenance 10 1 9 2 (20) 7 (4 mo of IFN-α in maintenance phase) 70 (33, 89) .01

Values shown are the number of patients treated as the first regimen on protocol; “%” indicates first regimen on the protocol among all patients treated with that regimen.

P values are log-rank tests of PFS comparing AZT/VGC with other KSHV-MCD regimens used that are adjusted for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni test). Patients who received (DA)EPOCH±R (8 patients) are not included in this table.