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. 2021 Mar 23;11(3):e044996. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044996

Table 4.

Grouping of exploratory covariates

Grouping Assessment or data included Impairment thresholds
Attitudes ACT-Q (Attitudes towards Clinical Trial Participation Questionnaire) Not applicable
Quality of life CDC HQOL-4 (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention-Health-Related Quality of Life)33 Not applicable
ALSSQOL-20 (ALS-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire-Brief Form)32
Cognitive impairment ECAS (Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen)36
  • Total score is 136 where a higher score indicates better performance. Scores below 105 are considered abnormal

Behavioural change b-DAS (Brief Dimensional Apathy Scale)34 35 Each subscale has a minimum score of 0 (least apathy) and a maximum score of 9 (most apathy)
  • Impairment defined as score per subscale:

Executive ≥4
Emotional ≥5
Initiation ≥6
ECAS Behavioural Screen Subscale Carer-completed behavioural change screen
Indicate yes/no to symptoms, score 1 for every symptoms present out of 10
Carer-completed psychosis screen
Indicate yes/no to symptoms, score 1 for every symptoms present out of 3
Physical functioning ALS-FRS (R) (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-Revised)14 Twelve tasks rated from 0 (cannot do) to 4 (normal ability). Summed score between 0 (worst) and 48 (best)
Neuropsychiatric HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale)27 28 Maximum total score is 24
Total of 12 per subscale
(≥9) Severe
(7–8) Moderate
(≤6) Mild
STAI-Y (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Form Y)29 Total score ranges 20–80
(≥60) High
(40–59) Moderate
(20–39) Low
PHQ-9 (9-Item Patient Health Questionnaire)30 31 Depression:
Total score ranges from 0 to 27
(20–27) Severe
(15–19) Moderately severe
(10–14) Moderate
(5–9) Mild
(1–4) Minimal
Item 9 scores from (0) not at all
1. Several days
2. More than half the days
3. Nearly every day
Scores of >1 indicates presence of suicidal ideation
Clinical phenotype
  • MND classification

Not applicable
  • Site of onset (spinal, bulbar, pure respiratory)

  • Age at diagnosis

MND, motor neuron disease.