Figure 4.
microRNA expression levels. Differences in microRNA expression levels between individuals with normal glucose tolerance (CON) and patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are depicted as a volcano plot with statistically significant different microRNAs marked as A, green circles showing a tendency for upregulation in patients with type 2 diabetes. Further stratification of the top 15 statistically different microRNAs is presented in a heat map for individuals with normal glucose tolerance without osteoarthritis (CON-OA), with osteoarthritis (CON+OA), patients with type 2 diabetes without osteoarthritis (T2D-OA), and with osteoarthritis (T2D+OA). Differences in microRNA expression levels between individuals with osteoarthritis (+OA) and patients without osteoarthritis (-OA) are depicted as volcano plot with statistically significant different microRNAs marked as B, green circles showing a tendency for downregulation in individuals with normal glucose tolerance without osteoarthritis. Further stratification of the top 15 statistically different microRNAs is presented in a heat map for individuals with normal glucose tolerance without osteoarthritis (CON-OA), with osteoarthritis (CON+OA), patients with type 2 diabetes without osteoarthritis (T2D-OA), and with osteoarthritis (T2D+OA). Green shades depict upregulation, whereas yellow shades depict downregulation.