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. 2021 Mar 25;15(3):e0009191. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009191

Fig 5. Direction effect chart summary of the included publications describing patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis treated with classic surgical interventions.

Fig 5

Evaluation of all outcomes refers to the end of follow-up. DSRS, distal splenorenal shunt; DSRS-SPD, DSRS with splenopancreatic disconnection; EGDS, esophagogastric devascularization procedure with splenectomy; GGC, great gastric curvature; LGV, left gastric vein; N/S, not specified; SA, splenic artery; UGB, upper gastrointestinal bleeding. **Data extracted from abstract. §Study included also patients with other pathologies; as not all outcomes were compared between intervention groups in patients with schistosomiasis-only infection, principal findings refer to those parameters which could be extracted for this latter group. ^Subgroup analysis of the Raia and colleagues’ 1994 study. ^^Expanded follow-up of the cohort of Colaneri and colleagues’ 2014 study. #Cochrane review including 2 studies, Raia and colleagues [67] from Brazil and Gawish and colleagues [94] from Egypt (this latter study was retrieved by our literature search, but full text was unavailable). Column of the table. C, Cohort study. C–C, Case–Control study. RCT, Randomized Clinical Trial. NRCT, Non-Randomized Clinical Trial. UGB, upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Triangle orientation indicates direction of outcome: upward = amelioration in respect to other intervention or baseline, horizontal = no difference between interventions or from baseline. Triangle size indicates sample size per (smallest) group: small ≤20 pts, medium 21–49 pts, large ≥50 pts. Triangle color indicates quality of result based on study design and source: black = RCT, dark gray = NRCT, light gray = C–C, dotted = C, white = data from abstract. SS, statistically significant, NS, not statistically significant, NR, statistical analysis not reported. #n = intervention indicated in the corresponding “Intervention #n” to which the outcome direction refers [45,65,6773,8093].