Fig. 3. Expression of aSyn in the OLN-93 stably transfected cell lines.
(A). Immunoblot of lysates of OLN-93 cell lines expressing empty vector, WT-aSyn, G51D-aSyn, or A53E-aSyn show aSyn only in cells transfected with aSyn-plasmids. (B). Confocal microscopic images of OLN-93 cell lines expressing empty vector, WT-aSyn, G51D-aSyn, or A53E-aSyn show aSyn immunoreactivity (Syn-1 antibody 1:100 dilution, red signal) only in aSyn-transfected cell lines. Stained nuclei are also shown in blue (DAPI). Scale bar = 50 μm.