Fig. 7.
Probability of target attainment (PTA) versus minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of dosing regimens for the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP): 30-min 500 mg levofloxacin intravenous infusions once (q24h, a) and twice daily (q12h, b). PTA<90% (inadequacy of dosing regimen) is shaded in grey. Vertical lines represent MIC values including epidemiological cut-off values of the CAP-related pathogens Staphylococcus aureus (MIC = 0.5 mg/l) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (MIC = 2.0 mg/l). Differences in the evaluation of adequacy of dosing regimens between the dialysate-based integral compartmental analysis (integral-CA) and dialysate-corrected mid-interval compartmental analysis (midpoint-CA) at each MIC value are denoted as bold vertical lines. Inset plots show complete PTA profiles versus MIC. CLCR: creatinine clearance