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. 2021 Mar 15;38(3):381–395. doi: 10.1007/s11095-021-02994-1

Table II.

Parameter estimates from the noncompartmental analysis (NCA), the dialysate-corrected mid-interval compartmental analysis (midpoint-CA) and the dialysate-based integral compartmental analysis (integral-CA)

NCA Midpoint-CA Integral-CA
Structural model 4 compartment mammillary 4 compartment mammillary
Structural PK parameters
Vtot [l] 104 82.7 81.1
CL [l/h] 8.26 7.35 7.78
Qtot [l/h] 115 97.6
Adipose tissue k13/k31 1.51 2.14
Muscle k14/k41 4.44 1.03
Impact influential patient characteristics
CL-CLCR [(ml/min)−1] a 0.90%1 1.26%2 1.12%2
CLsepsis b −45.5%1 −52.8%2 −43.4%2
Qadi-albumin [(g/l)-1] c 8.19%2 7.25%2
Stochastic parameters
IIV (range) 46.5%CV-143%CV 26.4%CV-72.6%CV
RR related variability (adipose/muscle) 40.1%CV/50.3%CV
Residual variability 30.3%CV3 8.83%CV-28.3%CV4

1Estimated via linear regression of CL versus CLCR centred on median and separate intercepts for sepsis patients and patients without sepsis. 2Estimated via linear/categorical parameter-covariate relationships. 3Single residual variability term for all biological matrices. 4Separate residual variability terms for all biological matrices. aChange of clearance per ml/min deviation of CLCR from 82.1 ml/min. bChange of clearance in patients with sepsis compared to patients without sepsis. cChange of Qadi per g/l deviation of serum albumin concentration from 22.4 g/l.

CL: clearance, CLCR: creatinine clearance, CV: coefficient of variation, IIV: interindividual variability, k13: transfer rate constant from central to adipose interstitial space fluid compartment, k14: rate constant from central to muscle compartment, k31: rate constant from adipose tissue compartment to central compartment, k41: rate constant from muscle compartment to central compartment, Qtot: sum of intercompartmental flows, Qadi: intercompartmental flow between central compartment and adipose tissue compartment, Vtot: total volume of distribution, RR: relative recovery