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. 2020 Jul 20;24(8):1–9. doi: 10.1007/s10157-020-01884-x

Table 2.

UAE associated SNPs reaching a genome-wide significance

Chr SNP Position Gene(s) ref alt EA EAF BETA SE INFO p value AR2
3 rs143146694 6,263,450 GRM7 G T T 0.035 37.81 5.667 0.931 2.69 × 10–11 0.034
3 rs74971332 7,058,507 GRM7 C G G 0.055 26.43 4.307 0.97 8.91 × 10–10 0.034
4 rs75938525 56,659,946 EXOC1/NMU G C C 0.048 31.06 5.029 0.956 6.93 × 10–10 0.034
6 rs146871152 160,984,637 LPA C T T 0.034 37.28 5.713 0.97 7.16 × 10–11 0.037
7 rs146418897 22,440,870 STEAP1B/RAPGEF5 T C C 0.033 36.85 5.743 0.941 1.49 × 10–10 0.034
7 rs140221313 84,600,098 SEMA3D G A A 0.038 31.17 5.534 0.934 1.84 × 10–8 0.034
7 rs118160950 151,277,450 PRKAG2 C T T 0.036 30.48 5.517 0.975 3.43 × 10–8 0.036
8 rs141491217 94,068,096 TRIQK A G G 0.039 33.01 5.84 0.932 1.63 × 10–8 0.035
13 rs79163227 37,208,221 SERTM1 A G G 0.056 25.92 4.664 0.941 2.84 × 10–8 0.035
13 rs142317900 45,963,584 TPT1-AS1 G A A 0.033 31.13 5.693 0.98 4.68 × 10–8 0.037
13 rs151183316 46,021,543 TPT1-AS1 C T T 0.035 30.6 5.54 0.981 3.43 × 10–8 0.035
14 chr14:21617499_TCTCA_T 21,617,499 OR5AU1 TCTCA T T 0.052 28.48 5.126 0.871 2.87 × 10–8 0.034
14 rs116622332 81,506,821 TSHR T C C 0.046 30.67 4.897 0.98 3.99 × 10–10 0.036
14 rs199612558 81,508,922 TSHR T TA TA 0.046 29.57 4.835 0.983 1.00 × 10–9 0.037
14 rs17111387 81,515,680 TSHR C T T 0.068 22.24 4.025 0.996 3.42 × 10–8 0.037
15 rs140272046 33,494,078 FMN1/RYR3 G A A 0.042 33.38 5.886 0.886 1.47 × 10–8 0.034
17 rs148283070 30,129,004 COPRS A G G 0.034 34.15 5.922 0.972 8.42 × 10–9 0.036
22 chr22:49949123_GA_G 49,949,123 BRD1 GA G G 0.052 27.83 4.805 0.945 7.22 × 10–9 0.034

Chr Chromosome, SNP single-nucleotide polymorphism, Position Chromosome position (GRCh37/hg19), Gene The name of Gene where the SNP is located, ref reference allele, alt alternative allele, EA effective allele, EAF effective allele frequency, BETA regression coefficient, SE Standard error of regression coefficient, INFO INFO score, AR2 Adjusted coefficient of determination. Bold type signifies that the SNPs were located on the gene. Normal type signifies that the SNPs were around the gene