(A, B) immunohistochemical staining of pmCIC showed strong expression in human pancreatic (A) and gastric cancer glands (B) (DAB—150 μm). (C, D) In close contact to infiltrating cancer glands, there is also a prominent expression in micro-vessels (v) but also in spindle cells (→) of the tumour microenvironment (TME) in both cancer types (C, D) (DAB, — 50 μm). The latter cell type of the TME could be identified by vimentin as tumour associated fibroblasts (data not shown). (E) Consecutive examination of lymph node metastasis (E) (DAB—50 μm) demonstrate a positive tumour gland but also expression in micro-vessels (v) and fibroblasts. (F) The same was true for a metastatic gastric cancer shown in figure (F) (DAB, — 50 μm). (G) A table showing the number/percentage of human tumour tissues expressing pmCiC in cancer cells and in cancer-associated stroma cells.