Carotenoids production using engineered Vibrio sp. SP1. (A) Illustration engineered carotenoid pathway using alginate. Blue area represents endogenous MEP pathway found in Vibrio sp. SP1. Dotted box represents p1EBI plasmid containing genes for lycopene production, and the outer white box with a solid line is for p1EBIY plasmid consisted of genes for β -carotene production. G and M denote L-guluronate and D-mannuronate, respectively. (B) Detailed plasmid maps of p1EBI and p1EBIY used for lycopene and β -carotene production, respectively. Synthetic 5′-UTR sequences of each gene were designed using UTR Designer and the predicted expression levels are shown. The red characters represent Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence. (C) The amounts of lycopene and β -carotene produced by engineered Vibrio sp. SP1 from 10 g L−1 of alginate are presented during the batch culture for 12 h. The schematic diagram and photograph in the upper left corner represent batch culture using alginate and cell pellet after 12 h, respectively. WT, wild-type bacteria with backbone plasmid; VLY, strain for lycopene production; VBC, strain for β -carotene production; n.d, not detected. (D) The amount of lycopene produced by VLY using Sargassum powder directly. Red arrows represent the time of the addition of brown seaweed powder. The photograph on lower right side shows cell pellets with seaweed powder of WT and VLY after 18 h. The error bars represent the standard deviations of biological triplicates. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)