Fig. 5. Steady-state and time-resolved emission from HJ films and cavities.
a Steady-state emission from Cav_DPA (Ag/10 nm mCP/163 nm DPA/~80-nm PVA/Ag) and Cav_Planar HJs (Ag/10-nm mCP/163-nm DPA/40-nm PTCDA/15-nm TmPyPB/Ag) probed at normal angle. The wavelength of the excitation light was 405 nm, where only DPA absorbs. The vertical blue line (at 448 nm) indicates the emission from uncoupled DPA molecules. Time-resolved PL decay of films (b) and cavities (c) probed at the emission position of DPA (448 nm), together with fittings to a three-exponential model (solid line). The excitation wavelength was 405 nm. The black curves represent decays from DPA films, red curves represent planar HJs, and blue curves represent bulk HJs (10 nm mCP/163 nm DPA + 40 nm PTCDA/15 nm TmPyPB).