Fig. 3. Interaction of Rtt106p with selected transcripts and loci.
a RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) assays were performed on extracts prepared from RTT106-TAP; GAL1:3HA-BCD1 cells disrupted (rsa1Δ) or not of the RSA1 ORF. The cells were cultivated in the presence of galactose (YPG) or shifted to a glucose-containing medium (YPD) for 6 h before preparation of the extract. IP was performed using IgG-sepharose beads. RNAs retained on beads were quantified by RT-qPCR as described in the Methods section. The snoRNAs and pre-snoRNAs analyzed are indicated. b Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays were performed on yeast GAL1:3HA-BCD1 cells transformed with recombinant plasmid FLAG-RTT106; with (rsa1Δ) or without the disruption of the RSA1 ORF. Cells were cultivated in YPG or shifted to YPD medium before ChIP assays. Cells expressing nontagged Rtt106p (GAL1:3HA-BCD1 and GAL1:3HA-BCD1; rsa1Δ) were used as controls and IP was performed using anti-FLAG antibody. The loci analyzed by qPCR analysis are indicated. c Chip assays performed as in panel b on GAL1:3HA-BCD1 cells transformed with recombinant plasmid FLAG-RTT106. Primers were used for qPCR analysis on both side and across the U3 encoding gene (SNR17A). Data reported in the panels a and c are mean values plus standard error of the mean of three biological replicates (n = 3). Data reported in panel b are mean values plus standard error of the mean of three (for GAL1::3HA-BCD1, rsa1Δ + p413 (−) and GAL1::3HA-BCD1, rsa1Δ + p413::FLAG-RTT106; n = 3) or four (for GAL1::3HA-BCD1 + p413 (−) and GAL1::3HA-BCD1 + p413::FLAG-RTT106; n = 4) biological replicates. Two-tailed t-tests: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. In panel b, for FLAG-RTT106 YPG versus YPD: * = 0.012 for HTA/B1, *** = 0.0006 for SNR128 (U14), * = 0.045 for SNR52, ** = 0.002 for SNR32, * = 0.032 for HMR a1. Note that SNR17A (U3) is close to significance: P = 0,056. For FLAG-RTT106 YPG versus rsa1Δ; FLAG-RTT106 YPG: * = 0.02 for SNR128 (U14) and * = 0.017 for SNR32. In panel c, for FLAG-RTT106 YPG versus YPD: ** = 0.006, * = 0.031, and ** = 0.001 from the left to the right. Source data for all these panels are provided as Source Data files.