Fig. 4. 2i and Cdk8/19i impose specific metabolic signatures.
a Principal component analysis of the metabolomes of mESCs grown in S/L, 2i, or Cdk8/19i. b Glutamate, glutamine, asparagine, and aspartate levels found in S/L, 2i, and Cdk8/19i. The protein (squares) and RNA (circles) log2 ratios relative to S/L are indicated for Glul and Asns enzymes. c Mono-phosphorylated and di-phosphorylated nucleotides levels in S/L, 2i, and Cdk8/19i. d Schematic of methylation reactions. SAH and SAM levels measured in S/L, 2i, and Cdk8/19i culture conditions. mRNA log2 ratios of Nnmt in 2i and Cdk8/19i and related enzymes. e Expression log2 changes of enzymes involved in DNA (de)methylation. f Schematic of the one carbon metabolism and related enzyme levels. When available, protein (squares) and mRNA (circles) ratios are shown. In all boxplots (b–d), statistically significant changes using a moderated t-test (limma, two-sided, FDR<5%) relative to reference S/L are indicated with an asterisk (p-value <0.05). In b–d, boxplots represent values from four independent cell lines (with four biological replicates each) in S/L. 2i and Cdk8/19i (n = 16). Boxplots show medians and limits indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles as determined by R software; whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range from the 25th and 75th percentiles, outliers are represented by dots. Source data for figures 4a–f are provided as Source Data file.