Table 3.
Metabolic changes in human plasma and chemical shift of 1H NMR profiles (predose-T0 vs postdose-T1h comparison). The validity of the models was evaluated using permutation p-values with R2X and Q2Y values.
Metabolite | Chemical shift | OPLS-DA models Predose (T0) vs MH (T1h) |
R2X = 93.63% Q2Y = 0.4861 Permutation p-value = 0.004 | ||
O-Succinyl-L-homoserine | 1.85 (m); 2.06 (m); 2.47 (d); 2.52 (m); 3.65 (m); 4.24 (dd) | -0.7492 |
Homocarnosine | 3.17 (dd); 3.21 (t); 4.48 (m); 7.01 (s); 7.90 (s) | -0.7315 |
Choline | 3.21 (s); 3.52 (m); 4.07 (m) | -0.7114 |
L-homoserine | 2.03 (m); 2.16 (m); 3.79 (m); 3.86 (dd) | + 0.7645 |
Citrulline | 1.58(m); 1.88(m); 3.15(t); 3.76(t) | -0.6722 |
( +) indicates metabolite that was higher in pre-dose group, whereas (−) indicates higher metabolites at post-dose (T1h) after multiple oral dosing of the modified ECa 233 at 500 mg. permutation p-value obtained from n = 1000 permutation tests.
s singlet, d doublet, dd double of doubles, t triplet, m multiplet, m multiplet.