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. 2021 Mar 25;4(3):e213243. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.3243

Table 2. Patient-Reported Pain Intensity and Ability to Manage Pain After Orthopedic Surgical Proceduresa.

Procedure type No. Initial pain score, day 4, mean (SD) Change in pain score from day 4, mean (SD)b
Day 7 Day 14 Day 21
Ankle or pilon fractures 20 5.21 (2.92) −1.50 (1.05) 1.00 (NA) NA
Articular fractures around the knee 15 5.29 (2.20) −1.00 (2.14) −2.00 (0) −2.00 (NA)
Carpal tunnel repair 19 4.06 (2.61) −1.20 (1.79) NA NA
Complex knee arthroscopy 49 4.39 (2.48) −1.12 (1.50) −2.60 (1.52) −2.00 (NA)
Hand fractures and dislocations 11 4.27 (2.05) −2.00 (1.00) −2.00 (NA) 6.00 (NA)
Hip arthroplasty 68 5.00 (2.15) −1.33 (1.81) −0.58 (2.09) −0.50 (1.64)
Hip arthroscopy 24 4.00 (2.57) 0.50 (2.74) −2.50 (4.95) NA
I&D, removal of foreign body, implant, and other 26 5.72 (2.51) −1.20 (1.55) −0.67 (0.58) −3.00 (4.24)
Knee arthroplasty 118 5.59 (2.19) −0.64 (1.53) −1.03 (1.50) 0 (1.36)
Long bone lower extremity fractures 13 5.85 (2.48) −0.50 (2.35) 0 (1.41) 1.00 (NA)
Nondistal radius upper extremity fractures 22 6.38 (2.33) −1.80 (1.30) −1.50 (2.12) NA
Shoulder arthroplasty 11 6.09 (1.97) −1.67 (1.51) −1.00 (3.61) −1.00 (NA)
Shoulder arthroscopy 82 5.28 (2.44) −0.83 (1.75) −2.11 (1.69) −1.25 (0.50)
Simple (minimally invasive) knee arthroscopy 188 3.72 (2.39) −0.74 (1.45) −1.91 (2.98) NA
Upper extremity repair 46 3.60 (2.71) −0.17 (1.83) −2.00 (3.00) NA
Overall 712 4.72 (2.54) −0.89 (1.64) −1.32 (2.04) −0.40 (1.91)
No. Initial ability to manage pain score, mean (SD) Change in ability to manage pain from day 4, mean (SD)
Ankle or pilon fractures 20 7.21 (2.82) −0.67 (1.86) NA NA
Articular fractures around the knee 15 7.71 (1.90) −0.86 (1.86) 4.00 (0) 1.00 (NA)
Carpal tunnel repair 19 7.88 (2.57) −0.80 (1.64) NA NA
Complex knee arthroscopy 49 7.83 (2.42) −0.56 (2.10) 0.40 (1.14) NA
Hand fractures and dislocations 11 7.73 (2.20) 0 (0) NA −2.00 (NA)
Hip arthroplasty 68 6.77 (2.78) −0.45 (2.97) 0.79 (2.30) −0.83 (1.17)
Hip arthroscopy 24 7.67 (2.81) −1.17 (2.40) 4.00 (1.41) NA
I&D, removal of foreign body, implant, and other 26 6.76 (2.70) 0.44 (2.13) −1.00 (1.00) 0.50 (0.71)
Knee arthroplasty 118 6.94 (2.51) −0.33 (2.58) 0.34 (2.79) −0.67 (3.02)
Long bone lower extremity fractures 13 6.92 (2.19) 0.80 (0.45) 1.00 (0) −1.00 (NA)
Nondistal radius upper extremity fractures 22 7.35 (2.16) 0.80 (1.64) −2.00 (2.83) NA
Shoulder arthroplasty 11 5.64 (2.98) 1.33 (1.21) −3.00 (4.24) NA
Shoulder arthroscopy 82 7.30 (2.32) −0.36 (2.48) −1.00 (4.58) 0.50 (2.38)
Simple (minimally invasive) knee arthroscopy 188 7.70 (2.68) 0.28 (3.32) 1.40 (1.90) NA
Upper extremity repair 46 6.93 (3.19) −1.17 (2.14) 3.67 (3.06) NA
Overall 712 7.32 (2.59) −0.20 (2.56) 0.47 (2.96) −0.80 (2.72)

Abbreviations: I&D, incision and drainage; NA, not applicable.


Pain intensity was reported on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest level of pain. The ability to manage pain was reported on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 representing very able to control pain.


Some SDs are shown as NA because of low response rate at the given times.