Schematic illustration of a possible recombination pathway of (a)
semidark trions made optically active due to the e–e scattering
and (b) negative biexcitons. The black dashed lines represent e–e
scattering, which transfers an electron from the lower subband of
the CB at the K± point to the corresponding higher
subband at the opposite K∓ point. (c) Power dependence
of the low-temperature PL spectra of the WS2 ML. The intensities
of the PL spectra are normalized by the XB intensity. The
inset displays the PL spectrum under 10 μW excitation due to
the TI, XX1–, and XX2 lines deconvoluted using Lorentzian function. (d)
The intensity evolution of the emission features with excitation power.
The dashed black line indicates the linear and quadratic behaviors
as a guide to the eye. (e) Transition energies of the σ± (red/blue points) components of the T′, XX1–, and XX2 lines as
a function of the out-of-plane magnetic field. The solid lines represent
fits according to the equation described in the text.