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. 2021 Feb 11;35(2):925–935. doi: 10.1111/jvim.16049


Main disease characteristics of 146 dogs with immune‐mediated hematological disorders. Treatment included membrane‐based therapeutic plasma exchange (mTPE group) or was limited to immunosuppressive treatment (controls)

Variable Unit mTPE group (n = 17) Controls (n = 129) P
IMHA (n = 70) n = 7 n = 63
Hematocrit L/L 0.14 (0.13‐0.15) 0.13 (0.10‐0.18) .82
Reticulocytes 109/L 107 (49‐185) 137 (59‐238) .42
Platelets 109/L 267 (234‐334) 208 (148‐284) .16
Bilirubin μmol/L 37.8 (4.1‐58.6) 20.8 (9.6‐46.6) .98
APPLEfast score a 24.0 (20.5‐25.0) 25.5 (21.5‐29.0) .24
Idiopathic IMHA 5 (71%) 50 (79%) .64
Secondary IMHA 2 (29%) 13 (21%)
IMT (n = 52) n = 5 n = 47
Hematocrit L/L 0.31 (0.26‐0.36) 0.28 (0.20‐0.39) .84
Reticulocytes 109/L 50 (4‐53) 86 (65‐183) .04*
Platelets 109/L 4 (2‐4) 6 (5‐18) .06
APPLEfast score b 24.0 (21.5‐26.5) 26.0 (20.0‐30.0) .31
Idiopathic IMT 2 (40%) 29 (62%) .38
Secondary IMT 3 (60%) 18 (38%)
IMHA‐IMT (n = 24) n = 5 n = 19
Hematocrit L/L 0.13 (0.11‐0.14) 0.13 (0.11‐0.20) .48
Reticulocytes 109/L 18 (2‐31) 114 (99‐244) .002*
Platelets 109/L 71 (35‐83) 40 (21‐85) .52
Bilirubin μmol/L 30.9 (18.2‐49.9) 17.1 (7.1‐24.7) .2
APPLEfast score c 26.0 (25.3‐28.3) 27.0 (25.3‐30.0) .49
Idiopathic IMHA‐IMT 3 (60%) 14 (74%) .61
Secondary IMHA‐IMT 2 (40%) 5 (26%)

Note: Numerical data are presented as median (IQR) and proportions as numbers (%).

Abbreviations: APPLE, acute patient physiologic and laboratory evaluation; IMHA, immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia; IMHA‐IMT, immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia; IMT, immune‐mediated thrombocytopenia.


IMHA: the APPLEfast score could be calculated for 5/7 mTPE dogs (71%) and 14/63 control dogs (22%).


IMT: the APPLEfast score could be calculated for 5/5 mTPE dogs (100%) and 11/47 control dogs (23%).


IMHA‐IMT: the APPLEfast score could be calculated for 4/5 mTPE dogs (80%) and 8/19 control dogs (42%).


Indicates a statistically significant difference