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. 2021 Mar 25;21:45. doi: 10.1186/s12894-021-00819-2

Table 2.

Diagnostic accuracy of normal white light observation, ALA-PDD and combined observation

White light ALA-PDD Combined observation
Positive Negative Total Positive Negative Total Positive Negative Total
A. Analysis by participant (n = 18)
Pathological diagnosis
UC 13 2 15 12 3 15 15 0 15
Non-UC 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 3
Total 14 4 18 14 4 18 17 1 18
Accuracy of each observational method Sensitivity 86.7% Sensitivity 80.0% Sensitivity 100.0%
Specificity 66.7% Specificity 33.3% Specificity 33.3%
PLRa 2.6 PLR 1.2 PLR 1.5
NLRb 0.2 NLR 0.6 NLR -
FPRc 13.3% FPR 20.0% FPR 0.0%
FNRd 33.3% FNR 66.7% FNR 66.7%
PPVe 92.9% PPV 85.7% PPV 88.2%
NPVf 50.0% NPV 25.0% NPV 100.0%
Normal observation ALA-PDD Combined observation
Positive Negative Total Positive Negative Total Positive Negative Total
B. Analysis by biopsy specimen (n = 92)
Pathological diagnosis
Urothelial carcinoma 25 15 40 25 15 40 29 11 40
Non-urothelial carcinoma 14 38 52 17 35 52 25 27 52
Total 39 53 92 42 50 92 54 38 92
Accuracy of each observational method Sensitivity 62.5% Sensitivity 62.5% Sensitivity 72.5%
Specificity 73.1% Specificity 67.3% Specificity 51.9%
PLR 2.3 PLR 1.9 PLR 1.5
NLR 0.5 NLR 0.4 NLR 0.5
FPR 37.5% FPR 37.5% FPR 27.5%
FNR 26.9% FNR 32.7% FNR 48.1%
PPV 64.1% PPV 59.5% PPV 53.7%
NPV 71.7% NPV 70.0% NPV 71.1%

aPLR: positive likelihood ratio

bNLR: negative likelihood ratio

cFPR: false positive ratio

dFNR: false negative ratio

ePPV: positive predictive value

fNPV: negative predictive value