Effect of previous versus no previous ECG PALM training on ECG pretest performance. Gray bars represent performance of trainees having no previous ECG PALM experience on an ECG PALM pretest given at the beginning of the training year, and black bars represent performance on the same test for trainees completing the ECG PALM the previous year (i.e., the pretest functions as a delayed test for this latter group). The number of trainees in each group is shown on the abscissa under the training level along with the p‐values for statistical significance of performance differences between those with and those without ECG PALM experience the previous year. For accuracy, effect sizes were d = 0.7, 1.7, 0.5, and 0.7, and for fluency, they were d = 1.3, 1.9, 1.8, and 0.8 for MS4, R1, R2, and R2 trainees, respectively. ECG = electrocardiogram; PALM = perceptual and adaptive learning module.