Figure 2.
Macular ganglion cell layer plus inner plexiform layer (GCL-IPL) thickness in CACNA1F retinopathy. (A) The GCL-IPL in CACNA1F patients was significantly thinner than the emmetropia or hyperopia, low myopia and high myopia control groups. (B) Scatter plot showing average GCL-IPL thickness from individual CACNA1F patients and control subjects. For every diopter decrease in spherical equivalent there was a decrease in GCL-IPL thickness, which was not significantly different between CACNA1F patients and controls. (C,D) There was a statistically significant correlation between lower b/a ratio and reduced GCL-IPL thickness for dark-adapted (DA) standard flash (2.29 or 3.0 cd·s·m−2) and DA bright flash (7.6 or 10.0 cd·s·m−2) electroretinograms. (E) The light adapted (LA) standard flash a-wave amplitude did not correlate with GCL-IPL thickness, however, (F) a smaller LA standard flash b-wave amplitude correlated with a lower GCL-IPL thickness. (G,H) There was no correlation between GCL-IPL thickness and extent of disc pallor in clock hours (G) or variant type (H).