Table 1.
Phytochemicals | Type of Test | Appearance | Results |
Alkaloids | Mayer’s test | Yellow color | ++ |
Wagner test | A reddish brown color | ++ | |
Carbohydrates | Molisch’s test | Reddish color ring form | ++ |
Glycosides | Shinoda test | No deep red color | − |
Reducing sugar | Fehling’s test | Red precipitate form | ++ |
Benedict’s test | Reddish color precipitate form | ++ | |
Flavonoids | Lead acetate test | Florescence yellow color form | ++ |
Saponins | Froth test | Persistent forth for one hour | + |
Tannin | FeCl3 test | Brownish green appears | + |
Sterols | Liebermann–Burchard test | No layer form | − |
Triterpene | Salkowski test | Reddish color form | + |
Resin | FeCl3 test | No precipitation | − |
Phenol | FeCl3 test | Violet color form | ++ |
Quinones | HCl test | Yellow color present | + |
Cardiac Glycoside | Legal test | Brown color | + |
Coumarins | Ammonia test | Green color form | ++ |
Cholesterols | General test | No red rose color | − |
Terpenoids | Salkowski’s test | Reddish brown not form | − |
Here, ++, highly present; +, moderately present; and −, absent.