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. 2021 Mar 25;11(3):e042274. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042274

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and clinical features of the Clinical Record Interactive Search case register*

Number of patients (%) (total N=341 720)
 16–29 84 181 (24.63)
 30–49 123 216 (36.06)
 50–69 79 880 (23.38)
 70–89 43 852 (12.83)
 90+ 10 591 (3.10)
 Male 166 480 (48.72)
 Female 175 007 (51.21)
 Other/not known 233 (0.07)
 White British 136 289 (39.88)
 Irish 5182 (1.70)
 Black Caribbean 34 229 (10.02)
 Black African 15 654 (4.58)
 Indian 4345 (1.27)
 Pakistani 1852 (0.54)
 Bangladeshi 1088 (0.32)
 Chinese 1124 (0.33)
 Other Asian 5500 (1.61)
 Other ethnic group 19 650 (5.75)
 Other white 22 076 (6.46)
 Mixed 1879 (0.55)
 Not known 92 222 (26.99)
Marital status
 Married/civil partnership/cohabiting 46 617 (13.64)
 Divorced/separated/civil partnership dissolved 17 309 (5.07)
 Widowed 15 758 (4.61)
 Single 141 111 (41.29)
 Not known 120 925 (35.39)
Local quartiles of neighbourhood deprivation
 Least deprived 79 537 (23.28)
 3rd quartile 80 049 (23.43)
 2nd quartile 79 767 (23.34)
 Most deprived 79 829 (23.36)
 Address not known 22 538 (6.60)
Primary diagnosis
 F30–F39: mood (affective) disorders 37 796 (11.06)
 F00–F09: organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders 29 801 (8.72)
 F10–F19: mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance misuse 27 870 (8.16)
 F20–F29: schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders 18 253 (5.34)
 F40–F49: neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders 31 962 (9.35)
 F50–F59: behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors 9166 (2.68)
 F60–F69: disorders of adult personality and behaviour 6605 (1.93)
 F70–F79: mental retardation 2732 (0.80)
 F80–F89: disorders of psychological development 5874 (1.72)
 F90–F98: behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence 12 028 (3.52)
 Other diagnosis 83 847 (24.54)
 Not known 75 786 (22.18)
Quartiles of ‘events’ entered into the health record
 No events 50 673 (14.83)
 Least events (1–3) 86 818 (25.41)
 2nd quartile (4–10) 62 804 (18.38)
 3rd quartile (11–40) 68 774 (20.13)
 Most events (41+) 72 651 (21.26)
Inpatient bed-days
 No inpatient admissions 311 099 (91.04)
 Low (1–2) 1937 (0.50)
 Moderate (3–31) 10 587 (3,10)
 High (32+) 18 337 (5.37)

*At the time of the occupation application run (29 January 2020).