(A) In terms of the normalized mutual information between the CD solutions and the input data, Multi-CD outperforms ArrowHead, DomainCaller and GaussianHMM at the corresponding scales (sub-TAD, TAD and compartment). (B) The correlation function χ(d) between CTCF signals and the domain boundaries. Shown for sub-TADs and TADs, obtained from Multi-CD (left); from ArrowHead and DomainCaller (right). (C) Genome-wide, locus-dependent replication signal. Top panel shows the A- (blue) and B- (red) compartments inferred by Multi-CD. Bottom panels show the replication signals in six different phases in the cell cycle, shaded in matching colors for the two compartments. (D) Pearson correlation between the replication signals and the two compartments A (filled blue) and B (open red).