Modulation of glial fibrillary
acidic protein (GFAP) and ionized
calcium binding adaptor molecule-1 (Iba-1) staining by neonatal hypoxia-ischemia
(HI) and treatment with URB447. (A) Representative light microphotographs
illustrating GFAP immunostaining in brain sections from CA1 (a–c)
and CA2/CA3 (d–f) hippocampal regions, dentate gyrus (g–i)
and cortex (j–l). Samples were obtained from 14-day-old rats
subjected to sham operation (SHAM; a, d, g, j) or to HI on P7 and
treated with either vehicle (HI; b, e, h, k) or URB447 (HI+URB447;
c, f, i, l). (B) Representative light microphotographs illustrating
Iba-1 immunostaining in brain sections from CA1 (m–o) and CA2/CA3
(p–r) hippocampal regions and cortex (s–u). Samples
were obtained from 14-day-old rats subjected to sham operation (SHAM;
m, n, o) or to HI on P7 and treated with either vehicle (HI; n, q,
t) or URB447 (HI+URB447; o, r, u). Bars, 100 μm.