Fig. 5. NK cells are major cellular mediators of IFNAR1 blockade.
(A to C) Isotype (Iso) control–, α-IFNAR1–, or α-CD8–treated mice were infected with LCMV Cl13. Frequencies (left) and numbers (right) of TFH (A), GCB (B), and plasma cells (C) were analyzed by flow cytometry at 9 d.p.i. (D to F) Ifnar1fl/fl;CD4Cre and Ifnar1fl/fl littermate control mice were treated with isotype control or α-IFNAR1 antibodies and infected with LCMV Cl13. Frequencies (left) and numbers (right) of TFH (D), GCB (E), and plasma cells (F) were analyzed by flow cytometry at 9 d.p.i. Statistical comparisons were performed using Dunnett’s T3 test. **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001.