Fig. 1. Crystal structure and theoretical calculations of UCo0.8Ru0.2Al.
(A) Crystal structure of UCo1 − xRuxAl. Left: The unit cell of UCoAl viewed from the [111] direction. A Co atom is replaced by a Ru atom upon doping. Right: The top view of UCoAl. The solid bonds indicate the tilted kagome layer formed by uranium atoms. (B) Density of states (DOS) including partial DOS for UCo0.8Ru0.2Al. (C) Nodal lines and Weyl points within ±60 meV of the Fermi energy in UCo0.8Ru0.2Al. For clarity, Weyl pairs with a kz separation < 0.2 2π/c are not shown. (D) Band plots for examples of (i) type I, (ii) type II, and (iii) critically tilted Weyl points (red circles), identified with arrows in (C), plotted on the interval −2kW < kz < 2kW, where 2kW is the Weyl pair separation along the kz direction.