(A) Whole-mount Z projections of a larval ventral nerve cord (left), brain lobe (middle), and brain cortical region (right). Z projections show R71C09-Gal4-driven expression of UNC-84:GFP, counterstained with neuroblast (NB)-specific anti-Dpn. (B) Z projection of larval cortex revealing R71C09-Gal4-driven expression of UNC-84:GFP with and without kdm5 shRNA. NBs are marked by an asterisk. (C) Optical sections of an adult mushroom body (MB) with its associated pedunculus, Kenyon cell bodies, and calyces expressing an R71C09-Gal4-driven mVenus reporter. R71C09-Gal4 strongly drives mVenus expression in newly born neurons located within core fibers of the pedunculus. (D) Representative Z projections (left) and quantification (right) of adult α/β MB lobe defects in flies expressing kdm5 shRNA driven by R71C09-Gal4. The antibody anti-fasciclin 2 (anti-Fas2) is used to visualize α/β lobes. n = 15–39 (mean n = 26). Arrowhead indicates a guidance defect. ****p<0.0001 (chi-square test with Bonferroni correction). (E) Representative α/β lobe Z projections and quantification of pharate wild-type (NP4707rev2 revertant), kdm5140, and kdm5140; R71C09 > kdm5 rescue strains. Arrows indicate growth defects. The α/β lobes are revealed with anti-Fas2. n = 20–28 (mean n = 24). **p<0.01; ***p<0.001 (chi-square test with Bonferroni correction). Scale bars represent 20 μm.