Fig. 2. SURF1 mutations impair neuronal maturation in 2D and 3D cultures.
a 2D differentiation into mature differentiated neurons (DNs). We analyzed DNs at 4 weeks (4w) and 8 weeks (8w) starting from NPCs. b HCA quantification of TUJ1 + neurons in 4w and 8w DNs from CTL (CTL_NoMut: C1, C2, C3; SURF1_NoMut: S2_Corr1, S2_Corr2) and SURF1 (SURF1_Mut: S1, S2; CTL_Mut: C1_Mut1) (mean ± s.e.m.; each dot represents a biological replicate; n = 20 biological replicates per line over three independent experiments; **p = 0.0013, ****p < 0.0001 CTL vs. SURF1; two-sided Mann–Whitney U test). c, d Bioenergetics of 4w DNs and 8w DNs from CTL (CTL_NoMut: C1, C2, C3; SURF1_NoMut: S2_Corr1, S2_Corr2) and SURF1 (SURF1_Mut: S1, S2; CTL_Mut: C1_Mut1) (mean ± s.e.m.; each dot represents a biological replicate; n = 20 biological replicates per line over three independent experiments; ****p < 0.0001 CTL vs. SURF1; two-sided Mann–Whitney U test). e, f Sodium (below x axis) and potassium (above x axis) currents in 4w and 8w DNs from CTL (CTL_NoMut: C1, C2, C3; SURF1_NoMut: S2_Corr1, S2_Corr2) and SURF1 (SURF1_Mut: S1, S2; CTL_Mut: C1_Mut1) (mean ± s.d.; n = 40 individual cells per line over three independent experiments; ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001 CTL vs. SURF1; one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni multiple comparison test). g Electrophysiology traces in current-clamp recordings for 8w DNs from CTL (SURF1_NoMut: S2_Corr1) and SURF1 (SURF1_Mut: S2). Above: spiking activity; below: spontaneous postsynaptic activity; stars: glutamatergic postsynaptic currents. h 3D differentiation into cerebral organoids. We counted days of differentiation starting from embryoid bodies (EBs). i Cerebral organoids from CTL (SURF1_NoMut: S2_Corr1) and SURF1 (SURF1_Mut: S2) at D40 and D90. Reproduced in CTL (CTL_NoMut: C1, C2) and SURF1 (SURF1_Mut: S1; CTL_Mut: C1_Mut1) (3–8 organoids per line per experiment, n = 3 independent experiments). Scale bars: 100 µm.