Figure 6.
MiR-200c reduces colony formation of the SKOV3 cell line. (A–C): Representative images of one well out of three for each experimental condition of the colony formation assay, after two weeks. Under all of the experimental conditions: untreated (DMSO), irradiated only, 1.5 μM olaparib and 5 μM olaparib alone or in combination with irradiation, the number of colonies formation was reduced in the presence of miR-200c. The number of colonies in each experimental condition was determined by ImageJ, using the “analyze particles” command according to the software instructions. Particles considered as colonies under 100 mm2 pixels were excluded in order to measure only the largest colonies formed. The results of the scanned clonogenic assay images in A, B and C were plotted as means ± standard deviations of three separate experiments, each one with three replicates. Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test was applied for statistical significance in all the scatter dot plots. * p < 0.05, **** p < 0.0001.