Figure 5.
Examples of survival rates of anuran and urodela embryos, or tadpoles, raised under different levels of hypergravity for different durations. (A) Survival rates of X. laevis after 3 weeks of development at 2 or 4 g by comparison to 1 g controls. Embryos were at stage 8 of development at the beginning of the experiment (~5 h post-fertilization). (B) Survival rates of X. laevis after 2 weeks of development at 1.5 or 2 g by comparison to 1 g controls. Embryos were at stages 55–60 of development at the beginning of the experiment (~32–46 days post fertilization). (C) Survival rates of P. waltl after 10 days of development at 1.5 g by comparison to 1 g controls. Embryos were at stages 19–20 of development at the beginning of the experiment (~77 h post fertilization). (D) Survival rates of P. waltl after 10 days of development at 3 g by comparison to 1 g controls. Embryos were at stages 19–20 of development at the beginning of the experiment (~77 h post-fertilization). Aquariums containing 0.5 L of water and rotor 1 (Figure 2) were used to obtain the results presented in panels (A,B). Miniaquariums without a food supply and a water cleaning system and rotor 3 (Figure 4) or rotor 1 (Figure 2) were used to obtain the results presented in panels (C,D). No statistically significant differences could be detected. Lower survival rates are observed in panel (A) because embryos were not selected before initiating the experiment. Consequently, some unfertilized eggs were included.