Table 2.
Recorded wild food plants and their local uses.
Plant Species, Family, and Voucher Specimen Number | Local Names | Parts Used | Gathering Area and Season | Local Culinary Uses and Quotation Frequency | Frequency of Consumption |
Acacia modesta Wall.; Leguminosae; 827/MM//2020 |
PholaiUR, PN, PT, HN PaliPH, GJ Jangli KikerSR PalosaPS Angrezi BaburSN Kiker KulKM |
Gum, Leaves |
DL, FO, HS, RS, SP, WP; March–April | FermentationHN**, SI* JamSH*, SN |
Very commonSH CommonHN RareSN Very rareSI |
Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile; Leguminosae; 783/MM//2020 |
KikarUR, PN, PT, HN, HI KikrSR, PH, GJ, KM KikharPS Sindhi BaburSN |
Gum, Pods |
DL, FO, HS, RS, SP, WP; March–April | FermentationSH**, QA* JamSI**, SN |
Very commonSH CommonQA RareSN Very rareSI |
Aerva javanica (Burm. f.) Juss. ex Schult.; Amaranthaceae; 544/MM//2020 |
BoenUR ThooPN BoiPT, PH, GJ, KM Niki BoienSR ShorakaiPS SparokaiPS BoohSN Safed BuiHI |
Flowers, Leaves, Seeds |
DL, FO, GR, HS, SP, SL, WP; February–April | CookingCR**, QA*, SH, SN** | Very commonSH CommonSN RareCR Very rareQA |
Agave americana L.; Asparagaceae; 675/MM//2020 |
Jangli Kwar GandalUR LaphraPN, PH, GJ Kanwar PharaSR Desi Kwar GandalPT Kamal GandKM KeuroSN ZargiraPS Kamal CactusHN Bin KatoraHI |
Leaves | AL, DL, FO, GL, GR, RS, SP, WP; August–September | CookingSN, SH, HN*, QA ** | Very commonSH
CommonSN RareQA Very rareHN |
Allium carolinianum DC.; Amaryllidaceae; 409/MM//2020 |
Jangli PyazUR, KM, HN Jangli GandaPN, PT, GJ Jangli WasalSR KhokhaiPS |
Bulbs | DL, FO, GL, SP, SH; August–September | CookingCR*, SN* SaladQA*, SH* |
Very commonSN
CommonCR RareSH Very rareQA |
Amaranthus spinosus L.; Amaranthaceae; 787/MM//2020 |
CholaiUR KonjelPN Surkh GunahrPH, PT BattoSR GhinyarGJ, KM ChalveryHN SarmayPS KalgaSN GuleeKM GanharHN Kanta ChaulaiHI |
Leaves | AL, GL, HS, RS, SL, SH, WP; August–September | CookingCR*, SH***, SI**, SN | Very commonSN CommonSI RareCR Very rareSH |
Amaranthus viridis L.; Amaranthaceae; 878/MM//2020 |
Jangli ChoolaiUR TandlaPT, GJ, PH TandulaSR TanduliPN LuturSN SaagPS RanzakaPS GanyarHN GanarKM |
Leaves | AL, GL, HS, RS, SL, SH, WP; August–September |
CookingQA*, SH, SI**, SN | Very commonSN
CommonSI RareSH Very rareQA |
Boerhavia repens L.; Nyctaginaceae; 816/MM//2020 |
Looni BootiUR LornkiPN, PT LorankSR BakhroSN |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SH, WP; August–September | CookingSN**, SH, SI**, CR** | Very commonSN
CommonSH RareCR Very rareSI |
Cannabis sativa L.; Cannabaceae; 669/MM//2020 |
BhangUR, SN, SR, GJ, PH, KM PangPN, PT, HN KammPS |
Leaves, Seeds |
AL, GL, GR, RS, SH, WP, WL; March–April |
Herbal drinkSN, SH*, SI**, QA | Very commonSN
CommonSH RareQA Very rareSI |
Capparis decidua (Forssk.) Edgew.; Capparaceae; 532/MM//2020 |
KarirUR PichuUR KarinhaPN, GJ KariSR KareenhPT, PH, KM KareerHN DelaGJ, KM KreetaPT KareenhSR KiraPS JabaPS KirarSN KairHI |
Fruits | DL, FO, GR, HS, SP; August-September |
FermentationSN** JamSH* Raw snacksSI**, CR* |
Very commonSH CommonSN RareCR Very rare SI |
Caragana ambigua Stocks.; Leguminosae; 409/MM//2020 |
Jangli PhaliUR, PN, PT, GJ BaiphliSR ZarayPS |
Flowers, Pods |
RS, SL, SH, WP; June–July | CookingCR* Raw snacksSN*, SI SaladHN** |
Very commonSN CommonSI RareCR Very rareHN |
Chenopodium album L.; Amaranthaceae; 748/MM//2020 |
Jangli BathooUR Desi BathooPN, PT, PH, GJ Desi BattoonSR SurmaPS SormiPS Spin SobaPS ButhiaPS UdharamHN ChilSN BathwaKM GoyaloHI |
Branches, Leaves | AL, FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SL, SH, WP; March–April, August–September |
CookingSN**, SI***, CR*, SH** | Very commonSN CommonSI RareCR Very rareSH |
Chenopodium murale L.; Amaranthaceae; 805/MM//2020 |
KarndUR, PH, GJ, KM Karwa BathooPN BathooPT Kora BatoonSR Thor SurmaPS LulurSN KurundHN GoyaloHI |
Branches, Leaves | FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SL; March–April | CookingSN, SH**, CR*, QA | Very commonSI CommonSN RareSH Very rareQA |
Chenopodium vulvaria L.; Amaranthaceae; 611/MM//2020 |
Sufaid BathooUR, KM Jangli BatoonPN, PT, PH Chitta BatoonSR LulurSN KurundHN GoyaloHI |
Branches, Leaves |
AL, DL, RS; March–April, August–September |
CookingSN*, SH, SI*, QA* | Very commonSI CommonSN RareSH Very rareQA |
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.; Asteracae; 761/MM//2020 |
LeehUR LehiPN, PT LehPH LiahGJ WanvahriSR Da Khwarak AzghaiPS KandiaraSN KundKM |
Stems | DL, FO, GL, GR, HS, SP, SH, WP; March–April | Raw snacksSN*, SH***, HN*, QA* | Very commonSH CommonQA RareHN Very rareSN |
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.; Cucurbitaceae; 638/MM//2020 |
TummaUR Kaud TumbhaPN, GJ, PH Kor TummaPT, SR, KM PirpandyanPS MarghonePS Tarha MarhaPS AndrainPS HanzalPS TroohSN IndrayanHI |
Fruits | AL, DL, FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SP, SL, SH, WP; May–June | FermentationCR*** JamSI** SpiceSN*, SH*** |
Very commonSI CommonSN RareCR Very rareSH |
Commelina benghalensis L.; Commelinaceae; 795/MM//2020 |
KaniPN, SR JawarzaalPS ChuraKM |
Leaves | FO, GL, HS, RS, SL, SH, WP, WL; March–April | CookingSN, SH*, SI***, QA** | Very commonSH CommonSN RareSI Very rareQA |
Convolvulus arvensis L.; Convolvulaceae; 728/MM//2020 |
LehiUR LehliPN, GJ Hiran KahriPT, PH VanvaihreSR ParvatyPS NaaroSN Speaker BootiHN HirapadiKM |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, GR, RS, SH, WL; March–April | CookingSH, SI**, CR**, QA | Very commonSH CommonQA RareCR Very rareSI |
Corchorus depressus (L.) Stocks; Malvaceae; 591/MM//2020 |
Bahu PhaliUR BaephliSR MunderiSN |
Whole plant | DL, GR, HS, MS, SP, SL; March–April | Herbal drinkSN, SI***, CR**, QA* | Very commonSI CommonQA RareSN Very rareCR |
Corchorus tridens L.; Malvaceae; 417/MM//2020 |
PhaliUR, PN, PT, GJ, KM DadiSR |
Pods | GL, GR, HS, MS; March–May | Herbal drinkSN, SH*, SI*, QA* | Very commonSH CommonQA RareSN Very rareSI |
Cucumis melo L.; Cucurbitaceae; 527/MM//2020 |
ChibarUR, PN ChibbarhSR ChibharPH, PT, GJ, KM MiteroSN |
Fruits | AL, GL; June–July |
ChutneySN*** FermentationQA** JamSI* Raw snacksHN*** SaladSN*** |
Very commonSI CommonHN RareQA Very rareSN |
Digera muricata (L.) Mart.; Amaranthaceae; 694/MM//2020 |
TandlaUR TandoliPT, GJ, PH LeswaKM TandalaPN Mareeri SaagSR AthiHN TartaraPS Nazam HooraPS LulurSN ChanchaliHI LahsuvaHI |
Branches, Leaves |
FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SH, WP, WL; August–September |
CookingSI*, CR**, SN*, QA | Very commonSI CommonSN RareCR Very rareQA |
Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants; Amaranthaceae; 856/MM//2020 |
Desi BathooUR BathooPN, PT Jangli BattoonSR Babre NagdiPS BathuGJ, PH BathwaHN, KM |
Branches, Leaves |
AL, DL, FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SL, SH, WP; August–September | CookingSH**, CR**, SN*, QA** | Very commonSH CommonSN RareCR Very rareQA |
Fagonia indica Burm. f.; Zygophyllaceae; 842/MM//2020 |
JamahonUR, PN, PT DamanhPN, KM, GJ Jawanh BootiSR DramahoSN |
Whole plant | DL, FO, GR, HS, RS, SP, SL; July–August | Herbal drinkSN*, SH, SI**, QA | Very commonSH CommonSI RareQA Very rareSN |
Galium aparine L.; Rubiaceae; 589/MM//2020 |
WanwairPN, PT, GJ Wanwair BootiSR, PH CochnaPS LahndraKM |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SL, SH, WP; June–July | Herbal DrinkSN**, SI, CR, QA | Very commonSI CommonQA RareSN Very rareCR |
Gisekia pharnaceoides L.; Gisekiaceae; 644/MM//2020 |
Balu Ka SagUR Jangli SagPN, PT, SR |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, GR, RS, SP, SH, WP; July–August |
CookingSN*, SH**, SI**, CR** | Very commonCR CommonSH RareSN Very rareSI |
Indigofera hochstetteri Baker.; Leguminosae; 499/MM//2020 |
KanoUR RaariPN, PT, GJ, PH MareeriSR ZindKM JhillSN |
Flowers, Seeds |
GL, GR, HS, MS; August–October | JamSH, SI*, CR*, QA | Very commonSI CommonQA RareSH Very rareCR |
Lathyrus aphaca L.; Leguminosae; 844/MM//2020 |
Jangli MatterUR, PN, PT Jangli MattriSR Marghayo HpayPS KukarmanyPS Jangli PhaliKM |
Pods | AL, FO, GL, RS, SH, WP, WL; September–October | FermentationHN**, SI*** Raw snacksQA**, SH*** |
Very commonSH CommonQA RareHN Very rareSI |
Lathyrus sativus L.; Leguminosae; 572/MM//2020 |
Jangli MatterUR, PN, PT Jangli MattriSR Marghayo HpayPS KukarmanyPS Jangli MatarSN |
Pods | AL, FO, GL, HS, RS, WP, WL; March–April | CookingCR**, SN** Raw snacksSH*, SI** |
Very commonSN CommonSH RareCR Very rareSI |
Launaea procumbens (Roxb.) Ramayya & Rajagopal; Asteracae; 821/MM//2020 |
DodakUR, PN
BhathalaPT HundPH, GJ, KM DodhkSR SondrashiPS AlakooPS BhattarSN |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, GR, RS, SH, WP, WL; March–April | Raw snacksSN***, SI*, CR**, QA | Very commonSI CommonSN RareQA Very rareCR |
Lepidium apetalum Willd.; Brassicaceae; 505/MM//2020 |
Jangli Khoob KalanUR BashkyPS, PH, PT Desi HalyunSR BurchanHN HanonPS HarfPS HaleemPS |
Leaves | FO, GL, HS, MS, SH, WP, WL; July–August | CookingSN, CR**, HN*, QA** | Very commonSN CommonCR RareQA Very rareHN |
Lepidium draba L.; Brassicaceae; 459/MM//2020 |
SennaUR Suchi SennaPN, PH, GJ, PT Koori SanaSR Ghora WalSN DadhwalSN |
Leaves, Seeds |
DL, FO, GR; April–July | Raw snacksQA*, SI* SaladHN*, SN* |
Very commonSN CommonQA RareHN Very rareSI |
Malva neglecta Wallr.; Malvaceae; 665/MM//2020 |
Sitara SunchalPN, SR TikalayPS Jungali SoxalKM SonchalUR, HN, PT, PH KhubasiHI |
Leaves | AL, DL, FO, GL, GR, RS, SH, WP, WL; March–April | CookingSN**, SH***, SI*, QA* | Very commonSI CommonQA RareSN Very rareSH |
Malva parviflora L.; Malvaceae; 510/MM//2020 |
Jangli SonchalUR, PN, PT, HN Jungali SoxalKM Jangli KhubasiHI |
Fruits | AL, DL, FO, GL, GR, RS, SH, WP, WL; March–April | CookingSH, QA* Herbal teaCR*, SN** |
Very commonSH
CommonQA RareCR Very rareSN |
Malva sylvestris L.; Malvaceae; 564/MM//2020 |
Jamni PhoolUR MethraiPN, PS, SR KhawazamaryPS SamchalPT, PH, KM KhabaziHN |
Leaves | RS, SH; April–May | CookingSH**, SI***, QA, SN** | Very commonSN CommonSI RareSH Very rareQA |
Mentha arvensis L.; Lamiaceae; 693/MM//2020 |
PodinaUR, PN, PT, PH PodnaSR ShinshobaiPS PodinaGJ, HN |
Leaves | AL, GL; March–April, August–September |
ChutneySH***, SN***, SI** CookingSH*, SN**, SI**, CR* Herbal teaHN**, SI** SpiceCR**, SH*, SN* |
Very commonHN CommonCR, SI RareSI Very rareSH |
Mentha longifolia (L.) L.; Lamiaceae; 698/MM//2020 |
Jangli PodinaUR, PN, KM Chita PodnaSR, HN, PT, PH VaylanaiPS ShinshobaiPS BareenaSN |
Leaves | FO, GL, HS, SL, SH, WL; May–June, August–September |
ChutneySN**, SH** CookingSN*, SH* Herbal teaSI***, CR** SpiceCR*, SI**, QA** |
Very commonSI CommonCR RareQA Very rareSN |
Mentha pulegium L.; Lamiaceae; 659/MM//2020 |
Jamni PodinaUR, PN, PT, PH Desi PodnaSR PudinaKM |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, HS, RS, SL, SH, WL; March–April, August–September |
ChutneyHN*, SI** Herbal teaQA**, SN** |
Very commonHN CommonSN RareSI Very rareQA |
Mentha royleana Wall. ex Benth.; Lamiaceae; 631/MM//2020 |
Sofaid PodinaUR, PN, PT, PH Chitta PodnaSR, HN Jangli PodinaKM |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, HS, RS, SL, SH, WL; March–April |
ChutneySH**, SN* CookingSH*, SN* Herbal teaCR***, HN* |
Very commonSN CommonSH RareHN Very rareCR |
Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (Wall. & G. Don) Cif.; Oleaceae; 746/MM//2020 |
KahouUR, PN, PT KaoGJ, KM, PH, SR ShwawanPS KhunaPS KaowHN KahoHN |
Fruits | AL; August–September | Raw snacksQA**, SH**, SI*, HN* | Very commonSH CommonSI RareQA Very rareHN |
Opuntia dillenii (Ker Gawl.) Haw.; Cactaceae; 699/MM//2020 |
KhashiUR ThorPH, GJ, KM Peeli SaroonPN Peela SaroonPT Peela RayeaSR WorakiPS ShershamPS Hoob SublanPS HakseerPS |
Leaves | AL, GL, HS, RS, SH, WP; March–April | CookingSN**, SH*, HN*, QA | Very commonHN CommonSH RareQA Very rare SN |
Oxalis corniculata L.; Oxalidaceae; 732/MM//2020 |
Peeli BootiUR
Choti lonakPN LonakSR TherwashkaPS Bibi ShaftalaPS TarookayPS Khati ButiHN KhatiKM |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SH, WP, WL; February–March | ChutneyCR**, QA* CookingSI**, SN** |
Very commonCR CommonSI RareQA Very rareSN |
Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb.; Arecaceae; 501/MM//2020 |
Jangli KhajoorUR, PN, PT, HN Desi KhajoorGJ, PH, KM PindSR Chotti KhagoorPS KhajiSN KhajurHI |
Fruits | AL, DL, GL, RS; June–July | JamQA* Raw snacksSN*, HN, SH |
Very commonSH CommonSN RareHN Very rareQA |
Physalis divaricata D. Don; Solanaceae; 569/MM//2020 |
Jungli BerryUR Jangli TamatorPN, SR HundusiGJ, PT, PH, KM Band MalkhovjPS DelhuuSN |
Fruits | FO, GL, HS, SL, SH, WP; August–September | Raw SnacksSN*, SI*, HN**, QA** | Very commonSI CommonQA RareHN Very rareSN |
Pistia stratiotes L.; Araceae; 515/MM//2020 |
Jall KhumbiUR, HI, KM
Jall ShamkalaGJ, PT, PH NargisPN, PT JaruSN |
Leaves | WP; March–April | CookingSN*, SH, SI*** SaladQA* |
Very commonSN CommonSI RareSH Very rareQA |
Polygonum plebeium R.Br.; Polygonaceae; 531/MM//2020 |
Gorakh PanUR DroonkPN BandokiPS Gull SrahPS KhowarSN Chimati SaagHI |
Stems | AL, FO, GL, GR, HS, MS, RS, SL, SH, WP, WL; March–April | CookingSN**, SI**, CR*, HN | Very commonSI CommonCR RareHN Very rareSN |
Portulaca oleracea L.; Portulacaceae; 865/MM//2020 |
Kulfa LonakUR, PN Lorniki BootiPT, GJ, KM Lorni BootiSR VarhoriPS LoonkSN KhurfaHN |
Leaves, Stems |
FO, GL, HS, RS, SH, WP, WL; August–September | CookingSN**, SH*, HN*, QA** | Very commonSH
CommonHN RareSN Very rareQA |
Portulaca quadrifida L.; Portulacaceae; 753/MM//2020 |
Lornak BootiUR, PN LorankiPT, GJ, PH LonakSR WakhoraiPS PakharaiPS LoonkSN LunakKM KolfaHN |
Leaves, Stems |
FO, GL, GR, HS, MS, RS, SL, SH, WP; August–September | CookingSH**, SN*, CR*, QA | Very commonCR CommonSN RareSH Very rareQA |
Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce; Leguminosae; 745/MM//2020 |
JandUR, PN, PT, PH, KM JandiSR KandiSN Jangli MatarKM JhandHI KhejriHI |
Gum, Pods |
DL, FO, GR, HS, RS, SP, SL, WP; August–September | FermentationSN*, CR** JamQA**, SH* |
Very commonQA CommonSH RareCR Very rareSN |
Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.; Leguminosae; 547/MM//2020 |
KikarUR Phari KikarPN, PT, GJ, KM, SR Sindhi KikarPH KikarPS Angrezi BaburSN Velayti KikarHN Jungli KikarHI |
Gum, Pods |
AL, FO, GR, HS, RS, WP; August–September |
FermentationSI, HN*, CR JamSH**, SN* |
Very commonSH CommonSN RareHN Very rareSI, CR |
Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC.; Leguminosae; 855/MM//2020 |
Jangli LobiaUR, PN, PH, KM Jangli ArwanPT HerdalSR |
Pods | AL, FO, HS, RS, WP, WL; March–April | CookingSN, SH*, SI**, CR | Very commonCR CommonSI RareSN Very rareSH |
Rumex dentatus L.; Polygonaceae; 812/MM//2020 |
KhatkalPN, PT, PH, KM Jangli PalakUR, GJ, SR Sarkari PalakPS ZamdaPS Jangli PalakSN HullahHN OlaHN |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, HS, RS, SL, SH, WP, WL; March–April | CookingSN**, SH**, SI**, HN | Very commonSI CommonHN RareSH Very rareSN |
Salvadora oleoides Decne.; Salvadoraceae; 690/MM//2020 |
VanGJ, KM JhalPT, PH PiluPN,SR KhabbarPS KhabarSN KallijariHN |
Fruits | DL, FO, GR, HS, SP, WP; August–September |
ChutneyHN*, CR* FermentationSH*, SN** JamSH*, HN*, CR* |
Very commonSH CommonSN RareCR Very rareHN |
Salvadora persica L.; Salvadoraceae; 747/MM//2020 |
PeloUR, SR, GJ KhabarSN PiluPN, PT, PH, KM DiyarSN KallijariHN JaalHI |
Fruits | DL, GR, RS, SP, SL, WP; August–September | FermentationSH*, SN* JamSI*, HN** |
Very commonSH CommonSN RareSI Very rareHN |
Salvia moorcroftiana Wall. ex Benth.; Lamiaceae; 530/MM//2020 |
Tokham BelagaUR LapraPN BelangooSR DersaiPS SidraiPS Jungle TamookhKM ShwankoSN KallijariHN Khesari DaalHI |
Stems | FO, HS, SL, SH, WP; May–June | Raw snacksSN***, SH, QA **, CR* | Very commonSH CommonQA RareCR Very rareSN |
Salvia nubicola Wall. ex Sweet; Lamiaceae; 841/MM//2020 |
HernarPN DarshoolPS KallijariHN Khesari DaalHI |
Leaves | FO, HS, RS, SH, WP, WL; August–September | CookingSH**, SI*, HN***, QA | Very commonSI CommonSH RareHN Very rareQA |
Senna italica Mill.; Leguminosae; 479/MM//2020 |
Ghora WalSN | Seeds | GL, GR, HS, MS, RS; April–June | Raw snacksSN*, SH*, SI, QA** | Very commonSN CommonQA RareSH Very rareSI |
Senna occidentalis (L.) Link; Leguminosae; 576/MM//2020 |
LobiaUR, PN, GJ, KM Desi ArwanSR, PT, PH Ghora WalSN |
Pods | AL, FO, HS, RS, WP, WL; March–April | CookingSN**, SH, CR*, QA | Very commonCR CommonSN RareQA Very rareSH |
Sisymbrium irio L.; Brassicaceae; 750/MM//2020 |
Khud-e-KalanKM KhashiUR, PN, PT, PH Peeli BootiSR WorakiPS ShershamPS Hoob SublanPS HakseerPS KhubkalanHN KhakasiHN |
Leaves | AL, GL, HS, RS, SH, WP; March–April | CookingSN, SH**, SI***, HN** | Very commonSI CommonSN RareHN Very rareSH |
Solanum americanum Mill.; Solanaceae; 636/MM//2020 |
MakaoUR Kainch MainchPN Katch MatchPT MohkriPH, GJ, KM KarveloonSR Kach machaoPS MalkhovjPS MalgabaiPS |
Fruits | AL, FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SH, WP; June–July | ChutneySI*, SH Herbal drinkSN**, SI Raw snacksHN*, SH, SI*, SN** |
Very commonSH CommonSI RareHN Very rareSN |
Solanum incanum L.; Solanaceae; 727/MM//2020 |
Jangli KhashiUR Jangli BainganPN, PT MahokariPS Kori WalSR MahoraSN |
Fruits | FO, GL, HS, SH, WP; June–July | ChutneySH, SN* Raw snacksQA**, HN** |
Very commonSH CommonQA RareHN Very rareSN |
Solanum surattense Burm. f.; Solanaceae; 758/MM//2020 |
Neeli Khurd KataiUR Choti KandiariPN MahoriPT, GJ, PH, KM Kandiari WalhSR MarkondayePS SpeenazghaiPS KanderiSN MohkreeHN |
Fruits | DL, FO, GR, HS, MS, RS, SP, SL; October–November | Raw SnacksSN, CR*, HN*, QA* | Very commonHN CommonQA RareCR Very rareSN |
Solanum villosum Mill.; Solanaceae; 415/MM//2020 |
MakoUR, SN Kaach MachPN, PT, GJ, KM KarveloonSR |
Fruits | GL, GR, HS, MS; March–May | ChutneySI*, HN* Raw snacksSH**, SN** |
Very commonSI CommonSH RareSN Very rareHN |
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill; Asteracae; 666/MM//2020 |
BhattalUR Malai BootiPN DodhiPT, PH, GJ DodhakSR Soon LattiPS KasniSN DodalKM |
Leaves | DL, FO, GL, HS, RS, SL, SH; March–April | CookingSH**, HN***, SN | Very commonSH
CommonSN Very rareHN |
Sonchus oleraceus (L.) L.; Asteracae; 713/MM//2020 |
BhattalUR Malai BootiPN DodhakPT Peeli DodhakSR TarizhaPS Soon DodakPS KasniSN |
Leaves | AL, FO, GR, RS, SH; March–April | CookingSN*, SI**, HN***, QA** | Very commonSI CommonQA RareHN Very rareSN |
Stellaria media (L.) Vill.; Caryophyllaceae; 796/MM//2020 |
Kangni BootiUR Phoolan CheeriPN Cheeri PtaPT StalliPH, GJ, KM Chitti BootiSR VilaghoriPS Badsha SabaPS Bin BatorhiPS Buch-BuchaHI |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, HS, MS, RS, SL, SH, WP; March–April | CookingSN***, SH** Herbal teaCR**, SI |
Very commonSH CommonSN RareCR Very rareSI |
Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.; Leguminosae; 429/MM//2020 |
Bansa-BansuPN, PT, PH, GJ, KM SarphookaPS HaldriSR MaheeroSN Ban NilHI |
Pods | GL, GR, HS; March–May | CookingSN**, SH*, SI, QA* | Very commonSI CommonSH RareQA Very rareSN |
Tribulus terrestris L.; Zygophyllaceae; 539/MM//2020 |
PakhraPS, PT, KM BhakhraUR, SR BakhroSN MelaiPS GhokruHN |
Fruits | DL, FO, GL, GR, HS, MS, RS, SP, SL, SH, WP; August–September | Herbal teaSN*, SH, SI**, HN* | Very commonSH CommonSI RareHN Very rareSN |
Trigonella anguina Delile; Leguminosae; 568/MM//2020 |
Jangli MeethreUR, PN, PT,GJ, SR Jungle MathKM |
Leaves, Seeds |
AL, DL, FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SH, WP, WL; March–April | FermentationSH**, HN*, SI* Raw snacksSN |
Very commonSH CommonHN RareSN Very rareSI |
Trigonella corniculata Sibth. & Sm.; Leguminosae; 615/MM//2020 |
MeethreUR, PN, PT,GJ, SR Jungle MathKM |
Leaves, Seeds |
AL; March–April | FermentationQA*, CR, SN*, SH* | Very commonCR CommonQA RareSN Very rareSH |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L.; Plantaginaceae; 834/MM//2020 |
Hazar DaniUR Obo SabaPS |
Leaves | AL, FO, GL, HS, RS, SH, WP; March–April | CookingSN***, SH, SI*, QA* | Very commonQA CommonSI RareSH Very rareSN |
Vicia sativa L.; Leguminosae; 767/MM//2020 |
Jangli LobiaUR Jangli RewariPN, GJ Jangli RawanSR MutriKM, PT, PH PervathaPS ChilowPS |
Pods | AL, FO, GL, HS, SL, SH, WP, WL; March–April | CookingSN**, SH*, SI**, CR** | Very commonSN CommonSH RareCR Very rareSI |
Withania coagulans (Stocks) Dunal; Solanaceae; 741/MM//2020 |
PaneerUR Jangly ChanaPT AkriPN, PH, SR KhamzoraPS AshwgandhasSN Asgandh NagoriSN |
Leaves, Fruits |
DL, FO, GL, SP, SH; March–April | Herbal drinkSN, SH, SI*, CR | Very commonSH CommonSI RareCR Very rareSN |
Ziziphus jujuba Mill.; Rhamnaceae; 726/MM//2020 |
BairiUR, PN Seo BairPT, SR Jand BeriPH, GJ BeraPS Moti BerPS KarkanraPS BerSN BerKM |
Fruits | DL, FO, GL, GR, HS, RS, SP; August–September | Raw snacksSN**, HN***, SI**, SH** | Very commonSI CommonHN RareSN Very rareSH |
Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight & Arn.; Rhamnaceae; 612/MM//2020 |
Jangli BairiUR, PN, GJ Kathy BeerPT, SR KarkanrPS Chotti BerPS AnanePS Bada BeraPS Jhangugli BerSN Jahri BerHN |
Fruits | FO, GL, HS, RS, SP; April–May | Raw snacksSN**, HN***, CR**, SH** | Very commonSH CommonHN RareSN Very rareCR |
Ziziphus oxyphylla Edgew.; Rhamnaceae; 409/MM//2020 |
Surkh BairUR, PN Saib BairSR, PH, PT, GJ HeilaneiyPS PhitniHN |
Fruits | FO, GL, HS, RS, SP; April–May | Raw snacksSN*, SH*, SI***, CR* | Very commonSI
CommonCR RareSN Very rareSH |
Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf.; Rhamnaceae; 413/MM//2020 |
Jangli BairUR Jhar BeriPN, PT, GJ, KM Jangali BairSR BerSN |
Fruits | GL, GR, HS, MS, RS; March–June | Raw snacksSN*, SI*, SH*, CR* | Very commonCR CommonSH RareSN Very rareSI |
Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers.; Agaricaceae; 400/MM//2020 |
KhumbhiUR, PN, PT, GJ, SR GuchiPS KlikichokPS |
Arial parts | GL, GR, HS; August–September | CookingSN*, SH, SI*, HN** | Very commonSI
CommonSH RareSN Very rareHN |
Gathering areas: AL: arable land, DL: dry land, FO: forest, GL: grassland, GR: graveyard, HS: hilly slopes, MS: mountain summits, RS: roadside, SP: sandy places, SL: scrubland, SH: shady places, WP: paste places, WL: wet land; Local Languages: UR: Urdu, PN: Punjabi, PT: Pothwari, PH, Pahari, GJ, Gojri, HN: Hindko, SR: Saraiki, SN: Sindhi, PS: Pashto, KS: Kashmiri, HI: Hindi; Religious faith: SN: Sunnis, SH: Shias, SI: Sikhs, HN: Hindus, CR: Christians, QA: Ahmadis (Qadiani); Quotation frequency in percent: 1–25% = without asterisk, 26–50% = *, 51–75% = **, 76–100% = ***.