Figure 4.
Relative expression level of the orthologs of CAM pathway genes in AaPEPC1-overexpressing tobacco plants. (a) Diagram of the CAM pathway in malic enzyme (ME) subtype [24]. CA: carbonic anhydrase; PEPC: phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase; OAA: oxaloacetate; MDH: malate dehydrogenase; ALMT: aluminum-activated malate transporter; TDT: tonoplast dicarboxylate transporter; CBB: Calvin-Benson-Bassham. (b–f) Relative expression level of Nicotiana sylvestris CA (NsyCA, XM_009805732.1), NsyMDH (XM_009784202.1), NsyALMT (XM_009797046.1), NsyTDT, (XM_009797970.1) and NsyME (XM_009781546.1), respectively. The actin gene (XM_009774717.1) was used as an internal control. The values were normalized to expression in the wild-type plants (WT) at the 3 h light time-point. White and black bars indicate daytime (12 h) and nighttime (12 h), respectively. X-axis represents the time after the beginning of the light period. Values represent means ± SD (n = 3).