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. 2021 Mar 10;21(6):1951. doi: 10.3390/s21061951

Table 1.

Summary of the deep-learning algorithms using different radar signal representations.

Reference Radar Signal Representation Network Model Task Object Type Dataset Remarks/Limitation
A. Angelov et al., [38] Micro-Doppler signatures CNN and LSTM Target classification Car, people, and bicycle Self-developed Their dataset is small. Hence, a larger radar dataset is required to train the neural network.
A. Danzer et al., [45] Radar pointclouds PointNet [149] and Frustum PointNets [35] Car detection Cars Self-developed Their dataset is relatively small, with only one radar object per measurement cycle. Besides, it contains a few object classes.
O. Schumann et al., [50] Radar pointclouds CNN, RNN Segmentation and classification of static objects Car, building, curbstone, pole, vegetation, and other Self-developed Their approach needs to be evaluated using a large-scale radar dataset.
O. Schumann et al., [51] Radar pointclouds. PointNet++ [145] Segmentation Car, truck, pedestrian, pedestrian group, bike, and static object Self-developed They used the whole radar point clouds as input, and obtained probabilities for each radar reflection point, thus avoiding the clustering algorithm. No semantic instance segmentation was performed.
S. Chadwick et al., [54] Radar image CNN Distant vehicle detection Vehicles Self-developed They used a very trivial radar image generation that does not consider the sparsity of radar data.
O. Schumann et al., [117] Radar target clusters Random forest classifier and LSTM Classification Car, pedestrian, bike, truck, pedestrian group, and garbage Self-developed Only classes with many samples returned the highest accuracy.
M. Sheeny et al., [122] Range profile CNN Object detection and recognition Bike, trolley, mannequin, cone, traffic sign, stuffed dog Self-developed Their system captured only indoor objects, and they did not make use of the Doppler information.
K. Patel et al., [123] Range-Azimuth CNN, SVM, and KNN Object classification Construction barrier, motorbike, baby carriage, bicycle, garbage container, car, and stop sign Self-developed Their system works on the ROIs instead of the complete rang-azimuth maps. And also the first to the allowed classification of multiple objects with radar data in real scenes.
B. Major et al., [124] Range-azimuth-Doppler tensor. CNN Object detection Vehicles Self-developed They showed how to leveraged the radar signal velocity dimension to improve the detection results
A Palffy et al., [125] Range-Azimuth and radar Point clouds CNN Road users detection Pedestrians, cyclists, and cars Self-developed They are the first to utilized both low-level and target-level radar data to addressed moving road user detection.
D. Brodeski et al., [126] Range-Doppler-Azimuth-Elevation CNN Target detection 2-Classes object, and non-object Self-built (in the anechoic chamber) Real-world data was not included.
Y. Kim and T. Moon [139] Micro-Doppler signatures CNN Human detection and activity classification Human, dog, horse, and car Self-developed Their system could only detect humans presence or absence in the radar signal since there is no range and angle dimensions.
S. Lee [144] Bird-eye- view 3D object detection Cars Cars Astyx HiRes [39] Radar Doppler information was not incorporated into the network.