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. 2021 Mar 13;18(6):2956. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18062956

Table 1.

Sample characteristics.

Person with Dementia Carer
Age, years, mean (SD) 78.7 (9.0) 57.5 (14.3)
Female gender, n (%) 75 (68.2) 41 (37.3)
Education level, n (%)
 No formal education 1 51 (47.2) 3 (3.0)
 Primary 31 (28.7) 17 (16.8)
 Secondary 20 (18.5) 46 (45.5)
 Post-secondary or above 6 (5.6) 35 (34.7)
Carer relationship, n (%)
 Adult children 69 (62.7)
 Spouse 34 (30.9)
 Grandchildren 3 (2.7)
 Others (other relatives, friends) 4 (3.6)
ADCS-ADL, mean (SD) (range, 1–76) 50 (18.9) -
NPI-Q severity, mean (SD) (range, 0–26) 4.18 (5.78) -
CZBI-short, mean (SD) (range, 0–48) - 10.9 (9.3)
 Role strain (range, 0–24) - 4.7 (5.1)
 Self-criticism (range, 0–8) - 2.13 (2.25)
 Negative emotions (range, 0–12) - 3.42 (2.83)
Perceived help-seeking difficulty, n (%) 2
 Very difficult - 2 (1.9)
 Difficult - 15 (14.3)
 Average - 41 (39.0)
 Easy - 28 (26.7)
 Very easy - 19 (18.1)
Perceived barriers to help-seeking, n (%)
 Lack of knowledge about the symptoms 41 (48.8)
 Difficulty in accessing service 13 (15.5)
 Lack of time to seek help 9 (10.7)
 Relying on oneself 8 (9.5)
 Cost concerns 7 (8.3)
 Disproval by family or friends 3 (3.6)
 Unwillingness to disclose the person’s problem 2 (2.4)
 Concern over stigma 1 (1.2)
Time to help-seeking, months, median (range) 12.0 (0–204)

1 Data missing in two persons with dementia (n = 108) and nine carers (n = 101) for this item. 2 Data missing in five participants for this item (n = 105). ADCS-ADL = Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living; NPI-Q = Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Questionnaire; CZBI-short = Cantonese short version of the Zarit Burden Interview.