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. 2021 Mar 12;10(3):600. doi: 10.3390/foods10030600

Table 1.

Summary of already used protein ingredients for meat analogue applications.

Protein Ingredient Composition (%w/w) Functionality Application in Meat Analogues
Soy isolate
(alkaline/acid precipitation treatment)
~90 % protein Good solubility, gelling and emulsification Structuring process: Extrusion, shear cell, spinning, freeze structuring
Role: Protein source, texture, binder, base for fat substitutes, emulsifier
Products: Burger patties, minced meat, sausages
Soy isolate
(additional heat treatment/ toasted isolate)
~90 % protein, denatured due to heat treatment Decreased solubility, increased water holding capacity, good gelling Structuring process: Extrusion, shear cell
Role: Protein source, texture, binder, base for fat substitutes
Products: Burger patties, minced meat, sausages
Soy concentrate ~70 % protein Good texturization properties Process: Extrusion, Shear cell
Role: Protein source, texture, binder
Products: Burger patties, minced meat, sausages, muscle-type products
Soy milk
(spray-dried powder)
>45% protein, ~30 % fat High solubility, good emulsification properties Process: Freeze structuring
Role: Emulsifier, texture
Products: Tofu and yuba production
Soy flour/meal (defatted) ~43–56% protein, ~0.5-9% fat, ~3–7% crude fibre, >30% total carbohydrate Water binding capacity and fat retention, native protein Process: Extrusion
Role: Texture, Binder
Products: Burger patties, minced meat, sausages, muscle-type products
Wheat Gluten isolate 75–80% protein, 15–17% carbohydrates, 5–8% fat Binding, Dough forming/ Cross-linking capacity via S-S bridges, low solubility Structuring process: Extrusion, shear cell
Role: Adhesion, texture
Products: Burger patties, muscle-type products
Pea isolate ~85% protein Water and fat binding, emulsification, and firm texture after thermal processing Process: Extrusion, shear cell, spinning
Role: Emulsifier, texture, Binder
Products: Burger patties, minced meat, sausages, muscle-type products