Treatment with RD2RD2 rescued significantly neurons in the motor cortex of SOD1*G93A mice. Analysis of neurons in the brain stem (a) and motor cortex (b) revealed a significant loss in placebo-treated SOD1*G93A mice, while the count of neurons in RD2RD2-treated mice was similar to the count of non-transgenic mice. Data is presented as mean ± SEM. Statistical calculations were conducted by one-way ANOVA with Fisher’s LSD post hoc analysis, ntg n = 11, RD2RD2 n = 11, placebo n = 8 (brain stem) and ntg n = 10, RD2RD2 n = 10, placebo n = 10 (motor cortex). Lozenges and asterisks (*) indicate a significance between treatment groups (ntg vs. RD2RD2 or ntg vs. placebo: ##
p = 0.01 and RD2RD2 vs. placebo: * p = 0.05). IR: immunoreactivity. Circles: placebo-treated ntg; triangles: RD2RD2-treated SOD1*G93A mice and squares: placebo-treated SOD1*G93A mice.