Fig. 3.
Parallel cell CIL. (A) Outcomes of two approaching parallel cells in the absence and presence of cell division. Nonmutual CIL is the dominant mode in the absence of cell division—100% of approaching parallel cells result in one cell repolarizing and altering its migration direction for at least one cell length (n = 28). With cell division, walk-past behavior is the most likely to occur followed by nonmutual CIL (n = 59). (B) Cell position and phase images over time for parallel cells exhibiting nonmutual CIL (training). (Scale bar, 50 μm.) (C) Average cell speeds pre- and during contact for parallel nonmutual CIL for the cell that repolarizes and the nonrepolarizing cell. (D) No strong evidence that the cell that repolarizes has a slower or faster speed than the cell that does not (P = 0.3). Error bars indicate the SE.