Table 4.
Model predicting standardized amount of food wasted regression results.
Estimate | Std. Error | t Value | Pr (>|t|) | |
(Intercept) | 1.14197 | 0.32328 | 3.532 | 0.000435 |
Std_Taken | 0.32810 | 0.03491 | 9.399 | <2 × 10−16 |
Grains/Starches | −0.10930 | 0.10976 | −0.996 | 0.319620 |
Plant Protein | −0.26305 | 0.14613 | −1.800 | 0.072221 |
Prepared/Mixed | −0.16809 | 0.08937 | −1.881 | 0.060362 |
Animal Protein | 0.01615 | 0.09671 | 0.167 | 0.867459 |
Confidence | −0.02684 | 0.03418 | −0.785 | 0.432509 |
Satisfaction | −0.10252 | 0.03945 | −2.599 | 0.009532 |
Once a week | −0.38276 | 0.30338 | −1.262 | 0.207438 |
2–3 times a week | −0.60250 | 0.29668 | −2.031 | 0.042601 |
4–6 times a week | −0.46817 | 0.28856 | −1.622 | 0.105103 |
Daily | −0.49057 | 0.28057 | −1.748 | 0.080762. |
Multiple meals a day | −0.58855 | 0.27661 | −2.128 | 0.033664 |
Residual standard error: 0.9393 on 805 degrees of freedom. Multiple R-squared: 0.1252, adjusted R-squared: 0.1122. F-statistic: 9.605 on 12 and 805 DF, p-value: <2.2 × 10−16.