Crtc stimulates expression of genes involved in 1-C metabolism and inhibition of insulin signaling. (A) Western blot of Crtc following 0.5-h treatment with db/cAMP, A23187, CsA, or vehicle in Kc167 cells. (B) RT-qPCR assay showing Gnmt mRNA levels in adult fly head. (C) Sardh mRNA levels in adult fly head; genotypes and conditions shown. (D) Immunoblot showing GNMT protein levels in adult fly head. (E) Quantification of GNMT protein levels in adult fly head, normalized to tubulin. (F) Model of neuronal CRTC function in Drosophila. CRTC is activated in response to fasting signals, where it promotes energy balance by mediating induction of CREB target genes that function in 1-C metabolism and inhibition of insulin signaling. **P < 0.01; ****P < 0.0001; n.s., not statistically significant.