The Bayesian phylogenetic tree of the ancient Mongolian horses studied here and ancient and modern horses of different origins. The tree was constructed based on the alignment of 6 sequences of mitogenomes obtained here and 200 previously published ones (Table S2). Mitochondrial haplogroups A–R by classification of Achilli et al. [38] are marked in black. The red color of a sample name denotes the ancient horses of Mongolia studied here, the green color indicates those belonging to the Equus lenensis lineage, golden means belonging to Przewalski’s horse, blue denotes ancient horses outside Mongolia, pink means modern and historical (20th century) horses of Mongolia, and black indicates modern horses outside Mongolia. Sample names consist of three parts separated by underscores. The first part is a species affiliation or horse breed name and geographic origin of the sample, the second part is a GenBank accession number, and the third part is sample age. The color palette of the squares indicates the geographical origin of samples. The tree was rooted by means of a published donkey (Equus asinus) mitochondrial genome (GenBank accession No.: NC_001788.1) (not displayed). Numbers near the tree branch nodes indicate posterior probability of the topology obtained by the Bayesian method. The time divergence scale at the bottom of the figure is a timeline where the dates are expressed in years before the present. Tree nodes with modern horses, not considered in the Discussion section, were collapsed for better visualization.