Illustration of the various LHBT (long head of the biceps tendon) management options. Red circles represent suture anchors, blue circles knotless anchors, and green lines suture tapes. (A) Fixation to the greater tuberosity and simple tenotomy; (B) Fixation to the greater tuberosity and tenodesis; (C) Fixation to the greater tuberosity, LHBT left intact into the bicipital groove; (D) Fixation to the greater tuberosity, LHBT left intact and rerouted in new groove; (E) Fixation to the greater tuberosity, LHBT left intact and rerouted, additional fixation of the LHBT to the anterior footprint; (F) double-bundle LHBT autograft and tenodesis; (G) triple-bundle LHBT autograft and tenodesis.