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. 2021 Mar 15;22(6):2983. doi: 10.3390/ijms22062983

Table 5.

A proposal for a protocol synopsis in advanced systemic mastocytosis with objectives reflecting tiered response criteria.

Primary Objective
  • To determine the SM pathologic response rate (CR+PR) in patients with advSM

Secondary Objectives
  • To determine the KIT D816V molecular response rate

  • To determine the AHN pathologic response rate

  • To determine the clinical response rate, measured by IWG clinical improvement (CI)

  • To evaluate the EFS, PFS, LFS, and OS based on pre-treatment variables (advSM subtype; S/A/R status; prognostic score, e.g., IPSM, MARS, GPSM) and on-treatment variables such as SM pathologic response, molecular response, AHN pathologic response, and clinical response

  • To evaluate time to initial SM pathologic response and duration of response

  • To evaluate changes in the mutational profile with NGS compared to baseline and correlate with SM pathologic response, AHN pathologic response, EFS, PFS, LFS, and OS

  • To evaluate changes in patient-reported symptoms using the AdvSM-SAF

SM: systemic mastocytosis; CR: complete remission; PR: partial remission; advSM: advanced systemic mastocytosis; AHN: associated hematologic neoplasm; IWG: International Working Group; EFS: event-free survival; PFS: progression-free survival; LFS: leukemia-free survival; OS: overall survival; S/A/R: SRSF2/ASXL1/RUNX1; IPSM: International Prognostic Score in Mastocytosis; MARS: Mutation-Adjusted Risk Score; GPSM: Global Prognostic Score in Mastocytosis; NGS: next generation sequencing; AdvSM-SAF: advanced systemic mastocytosis-symptom assessment form.