Table 1.
Comparison of phenotypes among mouse strains with different Slc26a4 variants.
Slc26a4−/− [13] | Slc26a4loop/loop [14] | Tg[E];Tg[R];Slc26a4Δ/Δ [18] | Slc26a4919A>G/919A>G [15] | Slc26a4H723R/H723R [16] | Slc26a4 L236P [17] | hH723R Tg [19] | Slc26a4C565Y/C565Y | |
Audiological phenotypes | Profound hearing loss (>100 dB SPL) |
Profound hearing loss (>100 dB SPL) |
Hearing levels depend on the time of Slc26a4 expression. Doxycycline initiation at E18.5 (IE18.5) results in partial hearing loss | Profound hearing loss (>120 dB SPL) |
Normal | Moderate-to-profound hearing loss in mice at 1 month. No progressive hearing loss up to 9 months | Profound hearing loss (>100 dB SPL) |
Normal |
Cochlear hair cells | Severe degeneration of inner and outer hair cells by P45 | ND | Functionally intact at P25 to P35 | Severe degeneration of inner and outer hair cells at 6 w | Normal up to P60 | Different degrees of hair-cell degeneration and abnormal structures of stereocilia | Mild-to-severe degeneration of hair cells | Normal up to P90 |
Stria vascularis | Atrophic | ND | No significant difference between wild-type, IE18.5, and discontinued at E17.5 (DE17.5) | Atrophic | Normal | Atrophic | Atrophic | Normal |
Vestibular aqueduct and enndolymphatic hydrops | Enlarged | ND | Size depends on time of Slc26a4 expression. Significantly enlarged in E18.5 mice | Enlarged | Normal | ND | Enlarged | Normal |
Vestibular phenotypes | Vestibular deficits, including head tilting, head bobbing, and circling | Variable vestibular deficits, including unsteady gait, circling and tilted body | ND | 46% of mice with head tilting and circling | Normal | 9 of 31 L236P mice had balance dysfunction. Vestibular dysfunction variable in L236P mice | ND | Normal |
Vestibular hair cells | Severe degeneration of vestibular hair cells by P45 | Normal morphology of vestibular hair cells at 2 m | ND | Loss and degeneration of utricular hair cells | Normal | Normal | ND | Normal |
ND, not described. Note: Slc26a4loop/loop, mice homozygous for p.S408F mutation.