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. 2021 Mar 10;22(6):2789. doi: 10.3390/ijms22062789

Table 1.

Comparison of phenotypes among mouse strains with different Slc26a4 variants.

Slc26a4−/− [13] Slc26a4loop/loop [14] Tg[E];Tg[R];Slc26a4Δ/Δ [18] Slc26a4919A>G/919A>G [15] Slc26a4H723R/H723R [16] Slc26a4 L236P [17] hH723R Tg [19] Slc26a4C565Y/C565Y
Audiological phenotypes Profound hearing loss
(>100 dB SPL)
Profound hearing loss
(>100 dB SPL)
Hearing levels depend on the time of Slc26a4 expression. Doxycycline initiation at E18.5 (IE18.5) results in partial hearing loss Profound hearing loss
(>120 dB SPL)
Normal Moderate-to-profound hearing loss in mice at 1 month. No progressive hearing loss up to 9 months Profound hearing loss
(>100 dB SPL)
Cochlear hair cells Severe degeneration of inner and outer hair cells by P45 ND Functionally intact at P25 to P35 Severe degeneration of inner and outer hair cells at 6 w Normal up to P60 Different degrees of hair-cell degeneration and abnormal structures of stereocilia Mild-to-severe degeneration of hair cells Normal up to P90
Stria vascularis Atrophic ND No significant difference between wild-type, IE18.5, and discontinued at E17.5 (DE17.5) Atrophic Normal Atrophic Atrophic Normal
Vestibular aqueduct and enndolymphatic hydrops Enlarged ND Size depends on time of Slc26a4 expression. Significantly enlarged in E18.5 mice Enlarged Normal ND Enlarged Normal
Vestibular phenotypes Vestibular deficits, including head tilting, head bobbing, and circling Variable vestibular deficits, including unsteady gait, circling and tilted body ND 46% of mice with head tilting and circling Normal 9 of 31 L236P mice had balance dysfunction. Vestibular dysfunction variable in L236P mice ND Normal
Vestibular hair cells Severe degeneration of vestibular hair cells by P45 Normal morphology of vestibular hair cells at 2 m ND Loss and degeneration of utricular hair cells Normal Normal ND Normal

ND, not described. Note: Slc26a4loop/loop, mice homozygous for p.S408F mutation.